Musings on Photography, Technology, Cooking, Life, Politics, Religion, and Whatever Else Attracts my Attention.
If a Blogger Blogs and Nobody Reads it, is it Still a Blog?
“"The political rhetoric has gone down a path of saying, 'Oh, maybe it's getting harder to move up in the income distribution,' " Hendren says. "But the sad fact is that it's always been very hard in the United States relative to other countries, and it hasn't gotten any better, it hasn't gotten any worse."
Interesting ... see the full results here. Pretty much reflects where our family has scattered. As a migrant I obviously claim the migration generally is positive for the receiving country.
He has a point "So you want a geocentric system (like Galileo’s opponents), no problem. We write the equation of motion in that frame and everyone is happy. But you say the Earth really does go around the sun. That is equivalent to the statement: planetary motion is more simply described in the heliocentric frame. We can go on from there and use coordinates as weird as you like to match religious or personal preconceptions."