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Monday, June 30, 2014

The 8 best lines from Ginsburg's dissent on the Hobby Lobby contraception decision

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Great Lakes' Cold Water Temperatures Affect Summer Events

So this is what's happening in Chicago...

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Court rules in favor of for-profit corporations, but how broadly? In Plain English : SCOTUSblog

Not only are corporations people, but they can also have religious beliefs, Weird. Can a religion that includes ritual human sacrifice as part of its rites claim exemption from homicide laws? OTOH, the ruling is not quite as bad as it has been portrayed. "The families that own Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties are deeply religious and do not want to make four of those twenty kinds of birth control – IUDs and the “morning after” pill — available to their female employees because they believe that it would make them complicit in abortion. Today the Court agreed that they don’t have to." The other 16 forms of birth control are still available.

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Staunch opponent of reform tapped to head US Patent Office

Not a good move.

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Bruce Lindner

Right on!

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Visualizing Algorithms


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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Our Dying B-Schools

It had to come sooner or later...

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So You Think You Had A Rough Landing?

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Dick Cheney Just Buried the Bush Doctrine

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Chimps Prefer African Music To The Western Kind

So now everyone is a critic...

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

xkcd: People are Stupid

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Free will could be the result of 'background noise' in the brain, study suggests

You may not choose to look at this...

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Casual Sex Is Good For You

Now they tell me. Way too late.

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American Experience

Must watch. I am not sure we have made much progress since then.

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Tablet Magazine

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Why the Arab World Is Lost in an Emotional Nakba, and How We Keep It There

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Physicists finally explain why your earphones are always tangled. - Seriously, Science? |...

Nice math, but the fight that breaks out in the comments is truly wonderful! Politics rules!

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Mathematical cake slice

New you can use...

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Google’s New Acquisition Will Enable It To Predict Future iPhone Launches From The Sky

You are being watched . . . If you believe you are very important. The rest of of us, move on ...

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Battle for Iraq is a Saudi War on Iran

The whole area is acting like pre-enlightenment Europe. Europe took about 200 years to absorb enlightenment. The political core of the Enlightenment was the loss of religion's hold on the state. The concepts may (or may not) have started emerging with the "Arab Spring." As enlightenment in the ME spreads (a wishful thought) we can expect hundreds of years of carnage like that which gripped the West. When the ME equivalent of the EU emerges, it may not be pretty for Europe, the US, India or China. American intervention (absent major use of nukes) will be irrelevant in the long run.

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'Cool' Kids More Likely to Have Problems Later in Life

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Don’t Believe Anyone Who Tells You Learning To Code Is Easy | TechCrunch

I wish I had Google when I started coding in 1963!

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Josef Koudelka on Photography and Nationality

We attended an hour interview with Koudelka last week. A real character. He is a PJ who is the philosophical opposite of Cartier-Bresson, with whom he worked at Magnum. He crops and manipulates heavily, and some of his stuff looks so dark and contrasty that I would have reprinted it! If you are in Chicago, go see his stuff at the AIC.

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She Didn’t Think She Had A Problem With Gay People, But Anderson Cooper Cleared That Right Up

No offense meant to blondes, but the phrase "blond ditz" does come to mind.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Best Worst Way To Sharpen Pencils

This is dedicated to all my friends who do not use Facebook. I wish I had seen this in 2nd Grade. It would have changed my life.

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Genealogy Shows Cardinal O’Connor’s Mother Was Jewish


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Free Will Is Just Random Fluctuations In Brain Noise?

So we are not just simple predictable physical processes - we are unpredictable systems driven by random fluctuations. That actually explains a lot.

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Language Log » Vocal fry probably doesn't harm your career prospects

A great example demonstrating why simple conclusions drawn from complex studies need to be very carefully assessed. Read the original papers critically, not the press reports (unless they agree with your politics, of course :-)

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Hungary's Jobbik Party May Have Lost the Election, But it Gained Political Power


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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Here's How You Save A Capsized Boat With Just Your Legs

Now that's a smart kid!

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Friday, June 06, 2014

7 Things Happy People Choose to Do Every Single Day

When I try to do 1-6, 7 goes out the window ..,

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10 Terrible Gift Ideas for Graduates From Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

This list won't make it ant easier...

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Jobs recovery and loss, by industry

A lot of interesting data

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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Food: The Real Star Of 'Orange Is The New Black'

Another damn cooking show. Now I must watch it!

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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Monday, June 02, 2014

Amazon Absorbing Price Fight Punches

How will this play out?

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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Here Are The Best News Bloopers Of May

Just for fun. Beats the real news.

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If You Grew Up Before The Year 2,000... You Will Laugh Hysterically At This!

Think how the next generation will view our current time...

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