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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dilbert comic strip for 11/30/2014 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.

Nails it!

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

clive moss's Travel Map

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What You Need To Know To Win An Immigration Argument With Your Right-Wing Uncle This Thanksgiving

In my family I am the Liberal old fart. It is ironic that a nation founded by undocumented immigrants is so averse to undocumented immigrants. Full disclosure: I am a documented immgrant.

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Putting Ferguson In Perspective: White People Rioting About Stupid Sh*t

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Think riots have never caused change in America? Think again

The French Revolution was street violence - and resulted in historically significant change - aristocracy backed by religious authority was no longer in control of the state. American street riots have caused change, but not at the level of significance the French Revolution. The "Arab Spring" was potentially another historically significant revolutionary spark - but it seems to have fizzled. On the other hand, Napoleon may have appeared to compromised the course of the revolution, so maybe there is hope.

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Jeremy Taylor - Ag Pleez Daddy (including the missing last verse)

This was what passed for satire in South Africa - and it was funny at the time. Pardon the politically incorrect words. In the interest of historical accuracy I have not bleeped them out. If any new friends need a translation for any phrases I will provide it. For the younger among you - that device that you see in the video is called a record player. It once was the most popular way of listening to recorded music.

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Police Gunned Down A 12-Year-Old And Somehow Local News Decided To Run This Story

Who needs criminals when we have police?

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Republican Lawmakers Consider Banning Pres. Obama From Delivering State Of The Union

The wrong right reaches a new low.

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Too Dangerous to Fail

Is Iran now Germany in the 30s ... or would that be the Islamic State?

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The U.S. Could Learn a Lot About Domestic Policing From What it Preaches Abroad


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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Watch Lawrence O’Donnell Explain Why Republicans Are SCREWED In 2016 (VIDEO)

Years of gridlock to come with a split House and Senate. Washington fiddles while the Earth burns.

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Journal Accepts Science Paper That Only Says 'Get Me Off Your F*cking Mailing List' (IMAGE)


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15 slang phrases you’ll need to know in South Africa

Too true

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Do Republicans have grandparents too?

Thoughts to be thought...

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i24news - See beyond

To see ourselves as others see us ...

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Background Screens

That would be me..,

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The battle for control of the cigarette packet

The cigarette companies chutzpah is astounding! I am not a holier than thou moralist. I was a three pack a day smoker until the early 80s when I quit cold turkey. A brief relapse one the late 80s and nothing since then. I am amazed that I am still alive. If we dropped the war on drugs and started a war on tobacco it would be a big win.

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Friday, November 21, 2014

GoPro Survives 17 Months Bouncing Around a Riverbed After Filming Its Final Moments

Strangely fascinating video...

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What Most People Don't Realize About Homophobia, This Guy Nails It

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The Middle East As Net Exporter of Religion, Fred M. Donner

Fascinating site that I have just tripped over - but read in its fullness.

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The Origins of Civilization, Gil Stein

“The Middle East was the first place where people domesticated plants (ca. 8300 BCE) and animals (ca. 7500 BCE), ushering in the Neolithic period with its characteristic village economies based on food production. However, domestication of plants and animals took place independently in a number of different parts of the world. Local cultures in North America, Mesoamerica, South America, China, and Africa each domesticated their own unique sets of plants and animals” Thought to Think: The areas where modern civilization emerged are now what we (you, me, and others reading this post) are the least civilized areas of the world (China excepted.) What are we missing? Are we on the wrong side of history?

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WTF Is Wrong With Americans? This Guy Nails It.

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An Overhaul Of The World's Largest Passenger Plane Takes 55 Days, But You Can Watch It In Less...

Cool... (a dated expression, I know, but still useful)

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Prosecutor Goes To Jail For Withholding Evidence - 10 Days (VIDEO)

10 days! Outrageous. He should be in for at least 3x as long as the innocents he sent to jail.

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If Congress Doesn't Act In The Next Month, It Could Be The End Of The Postal Service As We Know It

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Canadian Goes Into Early Labor While On Vacation In U.S., Gets $1M Hospital Bill As Souvenir

Someone has to do something to improve our balance of trade.

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Hard Of Thinking: If You're Bad At Logic, Logically You Would Never Know

Singing: “If you’re stupid and you know it clap your hands” Silence.

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Chicago Bears primer for football non-enthusiasts

Now I understand. At least I can still follow the Patriots, and not watch their games either.

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Bruce Lindner

Good question.

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Language Log » The sounds of weather

Very cool in a geeky sort of way...

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Friday, November 14, 2014


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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why cats never became man's best friend

I love both dogs and cats...

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Pew: Republicans don't really care about "getting things done" in Washington

What a surprise! In any other country this would be considered treason.

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A frightening field guide to common plastics.


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Those BPA-free plastics you thought were safe? Think again.

The lesson … drink only wine or whiskey from glass bottles...

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dear Senator Ted Cruz, I'm going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works - The Oatmeal

For those who are confused about the Net Neutrality hoo-hah - and why it is not just hoo-hah!

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The Roots of the Islamic State's Appeal

Not an optimistic picture...

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Dilbert comic strip for 11/11/2014 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.

Not unusual :-(

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Texas Tech Students Give 'Jaw-Droppingly Shocking' Answers To Political Questions (VIDEO)

This is why we got the Congress we have. Give Texas back to Mexico!

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All the Presidents' Looks: 9 Pictures of Commanders-in-Costume

When I was gainfully employed I would never dress like these guys :-)

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Bad News Vegetarians: Plants Can Hear You Eating Them Alive (Video)

Intravenous synthetic amino acids, anyone? The only moral choice!

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Breitbart Offers Most Pitiful 'Correction' Of All-Time After Whining About Wrong Loretta Lynch...

Classic demonstration of the difference between journalists and bloggers. I am a blogger :-)

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ObamaCare for the Internet? ISPs and friends lash out at president

“Verizon supports the open Internet, and we continue to believe that the light-touch regulatory approach in place for the past two decades has been central to the Internet’s success,” Verizon said today. It has also resulted in the USA's Internet speed being ⅓ of Hong Kong's and South Korea's, and ½ of Romania's . See If Ted Cruz and Comcast are against it, I am for it.

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Time-Lapse Perfectly Captures the Sunset Through a Hole in a Norwegian Mountain

Very cool...

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Scott Adams Blog: Researchers Accidentally Discover God 11/10/2014

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Saturday, November 08, 2014

Difference between sine and cosine - Spiked Math


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Nazis Helped Get Us To The Moon. The Reagan White House Helped Keep Them In The U.S.

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Watch this video, and then try to argue that America really is a democracy

Four States approved raising the the minimum wage by populate vote, while electing candidates who opposed raising the minimum wage!

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Friday, November 07, 2014

20 Jokes That Only Intellectuals Will Understand

Intellectuals? This set implies that all intellectuals know some physics. Tain't so.

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Breaking Badr

Our enemies' enemy may not always be our friend...

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Thursday, November 06, 2014

Language Log » Is Korean diverging into two languages?

Language evolution in progress. This is how Latin became Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Romanian.

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The Mexican Suitcase: One of 20th Century Photography's Biggest Mysteries

Very interesting. See also

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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Colorado Elects Man Who Once Tried to Perform a Long-Distance Exorcism on Obama (Video)

Colorado Elects Man Who Once Tried to Perform a Long-Distance Exorcism - we are in good hands now

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Google Guarantees Inbox Invite By 5PM PT If You Ask During Today’s ‘Happy Hour’ | TechCrunch

For my nerdy friends...

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Some colorful characters to grab hold of Senate gavels

"The 20-year Senate veteran believes climate science can’t be real because it conflicts with his interpretation of a phrase in the Old Testament." - The lunatics will be running the government

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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

If you manage your time terribly, you’ll get more done

If you manage your time terribly, you’ll get more done – Quartz

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Being Bill Murray

"Wear your wisdom lightly, so insights arrive as punch lines." - I always like this guy. Read more: Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

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NY Newspaper 'Endorses' Republican In Hopes Of Watching Him Go To Prison Once Elected

Democracy in action. This is why we do not get the Congress we need.

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90-Year-Old Florida Man Arrested for Feeding Homeless

Compassionate Conservatives in action.

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Get to the Polls

You know what to do…

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Monday, November 03, 2014

Science Committee chair shrugs off terrifying new climate data

These types are a bigger threat than IS.

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Home |

Take some some time out from the political ads to watch the embedded Bill Moyers video - and go out and vote tomorrow.

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The Gangs of Iraq

There are no good guys in the area!

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'Car Talk' Co-Host Tom Magliozzi Dies At 77

This is sad...

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separated by a common language: The fourth 'Untranslatables' month summary

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Pistorius’s Nightmare, Meyiwa’s Reality

"a per capita homicide rate nearly seven times higher than in the United States"

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Sunday, November 02, 2014

After Reading This, I See Hospitals Differently Now.

See #30

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The Curse of the Amateur

My favorite columnist...

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Saturday, November 01, 2014

The Balcony Scene in 'Romeo and Juliet' Is a Lie

Shattered illusions...

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