"Although these differences may seem small, they are meaningful. In an average-height woman of 165 cm or an average-height man of 180 cm, they represent a difference of about 2 kg." A difference of 4 lbs is meaningful? What BS. I weigh myself everyday - over the course of a week, my weight varies by 4 lbs even though the long term average is now pretty stable.
See: http://ift.tt/1C1txQe Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Is Marriage Good Or Bad For Your Weight? A Comparison By Countries
Iran nuclear talks in crisis as Obama threatens to walk away
See: http://ift.tt/1NujeW4 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
How Walking in Nature Prevents Depression
Why I prefer walking in the forest preserve to the treadmill.
See: http://theatln.tc/1CGMQJn Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
BREAKING: Prominent Black Church In South Carolina, Previously Burned Down By The KKK, Is On Fire
And you think we don't have a domestic terrorism problem?
See: http://ift.tt/1Jrv3e5 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Mary Fallin: Country's worst governor?
Give Rammer some time time - he will be a strong contender for the title. #IllinoisPride
See: http://ift.tt/1fyzNDZ Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
The F-35 Can't Beat The Plane It's Replacing In A Dogfight: Report
And this is the plane that we sold to Israel. It's a lemon - and a very expensive one, at that!
See: http://ift.tt/1dtdVZN Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Your Dog Will Definitely Not Hate This Weird Water Wand
A new breakthrough in Technology Lisa Moss Karen Moss this is for you :-)
See: http://di.gg/1RPMMht Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Inequality: Where Right and Left Agree
See: http://thebea.st/1C4zk7E Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Monday, June 29, 2015
A must watch view of one of the USA's many realities. I'm watching it now.
See: http://ift.tt/1g4DnXF Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Rainfall Makes This the Wettest Illinois June on Record
In case you were wondering.
See: http://ift.tt/1U1fbos Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
It is interesting to note how close the methods of Islamic legal theory are to the methods of the scholars who wrote the Talmud - and how similar most of the conclusions are. http://ift.tt/1InW17M
See: http://ift.tt/1NIJFbV Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Sunday, June 28, 2015
It Turns Out We Really Didn't Know What People Are Dying From
"fancy math" - WTF does that mean? Why are journalists so afraid of mathematics that they use fancy prose to describe it?
See: http://ift.tt/1IEZFGc Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Watch: Sir David Attenborough in conversation with President Obama
If I retain all my marbles as well as Attenborough has, I will be happy. If I don't, I will still be happy because I will not know.
See: http://ift.tt/1KoMZJk Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Why Japanese Bathrooms Are The Best, According To This Little Girl
See: http://di.gg/1HpJodC Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Here’s why heavy metal is good for you
Kimmi Themetaldeli Rudolph this is for you :-)
See: http://ift.tt/1KgUuQY Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Lens tests for the REAL real world: Why LensRentals are the only people in the world who can do this
For equipment geeks and statisticians only
See: http://ift.tt/1fXlGsW Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Saturday, June 27, 2015
What Great Artists Need: Solitude
See: http://theatln.tc/1QUlJGp Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
I can see why this guy feels that he must carry a gun!
See: http://ift.tt/1DBkjaD Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Are we still yammering about whether the Civil War was about slavery? Really?
See: http://mojo.ly/1SQodTS Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Fox Host On Marriage Equality Decision: "What's To Prevent" 3 People From Getting Married Now?
Actually, Fox has a point. Biblically, it was OK to go with multiple wives accompanied by concubines - and still is, in some cultures. I think that the Government should keep out of sex and marriage. It is none of their business. In other news, heard at my wife's nail salon: "My brother is going to be pissed at this ruling. He is gay and he does NOT want to marry his partner. There is going to be a huge fight!"
See: http://ift.tt/1KhQ8L9 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
How a driverless car sees the road
Its coming to a road near you...
See: http://ift.tt/1SQh4CZ Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
2015 Glenview Take Steps for Crohn's and Colitis
Come walk with us...
See: https://shar.es/1q7Tz4 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Chevrolet thinks it can one-up Tesla with a $30,000, 200-mile Bolt
This could become my first Chevy since 1976.
See: http://ift.tt/1IB3vQB Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Thursday, June 25, 2015
SCOTUS Ruling Fallout
We should have had a single payer system covering everybody (aka "SOCIALISM" by the the right wing crazies) but at least this is is better than the previous system. The idea that healthcare should be available only to those who can pay for it is not in line with the values of a caring society.
See: http://ift.tt/1HiAkHq Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
What's Really Warming the World?
See: http://ift.tt/1GHCbC0 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
How Conservatism Kept Obamacare Alive
See: http://ift.tt/1Ls04AQ Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Obamacare: Recklessly Providing More Americans With Access To Longer Lifespans
See: http://ift.tt/1Kd6z9S Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Playing chicken on the street and the ultimate battle for power
See: http://ift.tt/1JkFgMa Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Bourbon Pulled Brisket
This is going on my "To Cook" list!
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyPVd3iAdX0 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Ikea's Minimum Wage Hike Was So Successful, It's Raising Wages Again
See: http://huff.to/1LmQb7q Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Private Prisons To States: You'd Better Start Throwing More People In Prison Or We'll Sue
This is disgraceful.
See: http://ift.tt/1J2saQI Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
On Demand Parking & Valet Services - Luxe Valet
The next great disruptor? Or just an automated way to call someone to steal your car?
See: http://ift.tt/1HQBJ2c Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
The Real Origins Of ‘Lone Wolf’ White Supremacists Like Dylann Roof
See: http://ift.tt/1Rx7brk Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
If You’ve Always Thought Whole Foods Was Too Expensive, You Were Right
See: http://ift.tt/1Rx76Ut Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Fox News Pundit Calls Pope Francis 'The Most Dangerous Person On The Planet'
If Fox hates him, how could he be bad?
See: http://ift.tt/1dN2jRZ Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Start-Ups Finding the Best Employees Are Actually Employed
This is a surprise?
See: http://ift.tt/1Heb8BL Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Homegrown Radicals More Deadly Than Jihadis in U.S.
See: http://ift.tt/1KdvxY7 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Why some people can get away with so little sleep
"But when a 2013 study tried to replicate many of the previously reported correlations between length of sleep and genes, using the DNA and self-reported sleeping habits of some 5,000 people, it failed." So all the rest of the article is likely false?
See: http://ift.tt/1N5X7UQ Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Many in Nation Tired of Explaining Things to Idiots - The New Yorker
See: http://ift.tt/1GmcsN8 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Study: Employees Happiest When Pretending To Work From Home
it is getting more difficult to distinguish between the Onion and News
See: http://ift.tt/1FyEdAD Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
14 Expressions with Crazy Origins that You Would Never Have Guessed
See: http://ift.tt/1QLCnZ1 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Pope: 'Great Powers' Did Nothing When Jews Were Taken To Auschwitz
It's a good question - but look at the crazies in the comments attacking him for asking!
See: http://ift.tt/1LnOO9C Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Monday, June 22, 2015
This viral video shows Japan’s bullet trains being cleaned in 7 minutes flat
Been there. Seen that.
See: http://ift.tt/1ftZzdn Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
I side 93% with Bernie Sanders
See: http://ift.tt/1H8JG6x Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
A “view” from the Courtroom: A web of intrigue as the Term winds down
"From the bench, Kagan quotes Justice Louis D. Brandeis on the importance of stare decisis, emphasizing that it is more important that “the law be settled than that it be settled right.” Only a lawyer could believe that!
See: http://ift.tt/1TIzkjb Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Oren Agonistes
"It illustrates a vitally important dimension of the U.S.-Israel relationship as it exists right now — the breakdown between the views of the current Israeli leadership and many in the Israeli establishment, and the views of not only the current U.S. leadership but also many in the Jewish American community."
See: http://ift.tt/1GDogNk Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Where Republicans Went Wrong in Kansas
See: http://theatln.tc/1IZl0wC Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Sunday, June 21, 2015
This Australian comedian’s take on America’s hypocritical gun laws is perfect
See: http://ift.tt/1zY3d1v Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Unarmed man flags down LAPD seeking help. They shoot him in the head.
Do the police have a training problem? Or is it just plain stupidity? Be careful if you want the police to help you.
See: http://ift.tt/1RjJsLa Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America
See: http://ift.tt/1QIkrOU Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Millennials' Political Views Don't Make Any Sense
We are doomed! “…Millennials offer the murky impression of a generation that doesn't really understand basic economics. To be fair, neither do most Americans. Or many economists, perhaps. Or most journalists.”
See: http://ift.tt/1GyUbhO Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Jailhouse nation
Something needs to be done!
See: http://econ.st/1J8iNlz Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Your Father Doesn’t Want a Tie, He Wants a T-Bone Steak | The Feed
See: http://ift.tt/1dW1ruv Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
NRA Starts Up Their Shit About What Would Be Even Greater Injustice
See: http://ift.tt/1BsmQpI Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Four Hour Meeting
My life as it used to be...
See: http://ift.tt/1IpHd47 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Friday, June 19, 2015
Diet that mimics fasting appears to slow aging: Benefits demonstrated in mice and yeast; piloted...
See: http://ift.tt/1Ssv9Xb Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Vincent Van Gogh Found in a Photo from 1887
See: http://ift.tt/1CigF2S Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Thursday, June 18, 2015
DSLR Quality Camera in Your Pocket | DxO ONE
See: http://ift.tt/1IQZhHe Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
9 Things Many Americans Just Don’t Grasp (Compared to the Rest of the World)
See: http://ift.tt/1BlJdgO Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
The Myth of American Exceptionalism | Foreign Policy
While on the subject of myths...
See: http://ift.tt/1Tqu7MM Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Four Myths That Drive (and Endanger) U.S. Defense Policy « Defense in Depth
Thoughts to be pondered.
See: http://ift.tt/1ETS88g Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Reviving the Statistical Atlas of the United States with New Data
See: http://ift.tt/1BfFf9z Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Apple Inc. is hiring journalists who want to work 40 hours a week.
Apple going for human curation va Google and Facebook automation?
See: http://ift.tt/1Bf4Tev Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Robert Scoble's 22 Tips for Better Facebook Engagement
Mostly aimed at business use of Facebook - but some points are generally useful
See: http://ift.tt/1FD87Ho Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Posing Questions of Photographic Ethics
See: http://ift.tt/1HOeLgy Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Dilbert Comic Strip on 2015-06-14 | Dilbert by Scott Adams
See: http://ift.tt/1HFdgBb Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
20 Hilariously 'Honest' Ads (PHOTO GALLERY)
All too true
See: http://ift.tt/1fbnoqe Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Friday, June 12, 2015
Sorry, Fareed: Saudi Arabia Can Build a Bomb Any Damn Time It Wants To
Good for thought.
See: http://ift.tt/1GD5poM Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Oldest person in the world keeps dying
Living long is dangerous!
See: http://ift.tt/1e4W9gG Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
494 killed in 2015 : US police kill more in days than other countries do in years
Thoughts worth thinking about...
See: http://bit.ly/the-counted-article Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Bernie Sanders - The President We Need
1st candidate so far that makes sense.
See: http://bit.ly/why-we-need-bernie Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Babies Are Dangerous Monsters That Need To Be Stopped
See: http://di.gg/1IGBNqX Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Pres. Obama Calls For Ending Taxpayer-Funded Sports Stadiums
About time.
See: http://ift.tt/1IAu628 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Extravagant claims for the number of "Chinese" speakers
See: http://ift.tt/1IGry5Z Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
New Law Determines Bullets No Longer Responsibility Of Owner Once Fired From Gun
See: http://ift.tt/1S4vAGX Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Leica Q First Impressions Review: Digital Photography Review
Father's Day is coming :-)
See: http://ift.tt/1GyiWhg Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Your college major is a pretty good indication of how smart you are
This will make a lot of people angry.
See: http://ift.tt/16gH6fu Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Why Did American Jews Boo The Orthodox Jewish Treasury Secretary Of The US? - FailedMessiah.com
Very sad behavior...
See: http://ift.tt/1Iu0Zhz Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Leica Camera Rifle Prototype Valued at Over $350,000
Is this covered by the 2nd amendment?
See: http://ift.tt/1KZnEWn Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Thinking about cutting the cable cord? Here's how.
I think ATT and Comcast will be coming after me!
See: http://ift.tt/1Gofxjk Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Scott Adams Blog
I love this guy!
See: http://ift.tt/1HnM75N Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Maybe We Should Make A Smartwatch
The Internet comment stream. in short.
See: http://ift.tt/1Mk4fwE Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
It’s Time to Kill the Feel-Good Myth of Sanctions
See: http://ift.tt/1MldIDW Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
King Edward was apparently pro-Nazi, wanted England bombed
Hardly a surprise. The British Royal Family is a renamed German family.
See: http://ift.tt/1B3gygg Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Language Log » Know you linguistic philosophies
See: http://ift.tt/1Go8d7i Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Monday, June 08, 2015
How to Tell the Difference Between an Open-Carry Patriot and a Deranged Killer
Easy peasy
See: http://ift.tt/1inLQQa Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Spotify CEO's two-word response to Apple Music
Not in the same space. I use Spotify to listen to what I want to hear. Apple Music is just radio over a new channel. Maybe the kids want radio!
See: http://ift.tt/1JAjIed Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
If your Mac or iThing runs Yosemite or iOS 8, it can run El Capitan and iOS 9
It speaks to the maturity of the consumer technology that six to eight year old hardware is supported by current software.
See: http://ift.tt/1RZdR3L Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Nikon P900 Shooter’s Report: It can zoom a country mile, but how does it actually perform?
Looks like a wonderful camera for game reserve!
See: http://ift.tt/1JzDCpN Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Keeping Your Possessions Safe While Traveling
See: http://ift.tt/1KRdELN Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Former Security Chief: Bush and Cheney Guilty of War Crimes - The World Agrees
Richard Clarke for President!
See: http://ift.tt/1B24iMO Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Calls Mount For The Firing Of Texas Officer Who Crashed Pool Party, Pulled Gun On Teens
Fire him? Hell no. Indict him!
See: http://ift.tt/1T7RNoW Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
What should you do if a police officer doesn't want you to film them on duty? Do it anyway.
See: http://u.pw/1F3FY8y Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
America's Largest Mental Hospital Is a Jail
See: http://theatln.tc/1G6PZpl Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
What Does the Western Look Like?
Interesting. The single frame summaries look like some of the abstract art I have seen in galleries,
See: http://ift.tt/1FP2jHP Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Sunday, June 07, 2015
Scalia Commencement Speech Supports Young Earth Creationism
Pity stupidity not an impeachable offense.
See: https://shar.es/1263vf Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Ad Blocking Technology: It?s Not User Choice, It?s Stealing
He has a point.
See: http://ift.tt/1IisTNu Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96
See: http://ift.tt/1KihY8w Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Comic for June 07, 2015
You know who you are :-)
See: http://ift.tt/1F2gLeI Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Saturday, June 06, 2015
This is where Google stores your photos and emails
See: http://ift.tt/1Is8KY4 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Poor lifestyle choices can be passed onto future generations through DNA
What I do after the kids are born gets a free pass :-)
See: http://ift.tt/1KT5aqF Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
14 distinctive South African dishes
Some of these dishes were invented after I left!
See: http://ift.tt/1KgMmQT Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Friday, June 05, 2015
‘Top Chef’ Alumnus Alex Reznik Now Runs Kosher Eateries in LA and NYC
We desperately need him in Chicago.
See: http://ift.tt/1MuKzab Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
7 into 28
How Congress sets the U.S. budget.
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS2aEfbEi7s Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Countries I've Visited: Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil,...
Stil a ways to go ...
See: http://ift.tt/1BQt2D3 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
xkcd: Keyboard Mash
See: http://xkcd.com/1530/ Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Apple Music and the terrible return of DRM
I am feeling the pain too...
See: http://ift.tt/1RQpRVb Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
When Photographing Lions, Keep Your Windows Up and Doors Locked
I knew that...
See: http://ift.tt/1FwMG8C Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
My New Thoughts on Google Photos After Digging Around for a Week
I have loaded up a couple thousand pics (with almost no work on my part) and #4 is the killer function.
See: http://ift.tt/1AS3ASk Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Scalia's perfect capital-punishment case falls apart
State sanctioned murder is not a good thing, especially in the light of a justice system designed to to convict people.
See: http://ift.tt/1HQkJJn Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
What's the Difference Between a Homeless Man and a Saint Who Both Say They Talk to God?
I have often wondered about this...
See: http://ift.tt/1KJAq8i Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Taking on the Jewish Anti-Obama 'Ingrates'
About time someone took a public stand like this!
See: http://theatln.tc/1GaP4Wn Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
This story about Congress will make you want to drink cheap alcohol until the pain stops
Indeed - apart from "cheap"
See: http://mojo.ly/1M8653H Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Wednesday, June 03, 2015
15 Common Expressions Younger Generations Won't Understand
See: http://ift.tt/1H0K8Ed Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications
Real breakthrough? Or another flash in the pan?
See: http://ift.tt/1G7kUmS Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
US Finds and Flattens a ISIS HQ Building After 'Moron' Shares a Selfie
See: http://ift.tt/1EXwbAO Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Tesla's Model III goes 200 miles per charge and costs $35,000
This would be very tempting
See: http://ift.tt/1DZO6q6 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Here's what 2 big new reports on police killings tell us
Both left and right will find stats here to support their beliefs.
See: http://ift.tt/1FoG0Z9 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Judges Considering Criminal Probe Into Scott Walker May Be Implicated In Same Offense
Golly gosh golly gee. The system is corrupt. Who would have thunk it?
See: http://ift.tt/1ESlsYq Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Tuesday, June 02, 2015
10 photos of seriously wounded vets remind us about the real costs of war.
See: http://u.pw/1K1zfTn Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Why Should It Be a Crime to Withdraw Money From a Bank?
Indeed. My thoughts exactly!
See: http://theatln.tc/1Fs7KNv Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Podcasts | cbc.ca Podcasts | CBC Radio
A great view of the future from the perspective of an advertising pro. I listen to him weekly.
See: http://ift.tt/1Iawyg2 Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
The look of a leader
"The Economist" is taking a lot of crap in the comments - but based on my admittedly anecdotal experience, they are spot on - except in the case of founders of corporations who become CEOs. They come in all sizes and shapes.
See: http://econ.st/1Ky1t6m Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
The TSA Doesn't Work—and Never Has
See: http://theatln.tc/1GWDhvp Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
The plight of the Rohingyas
Minorities are in trouble all over the world. Neither democracies nor dictatorships are structured to help them. Monarchies also do not do well :-(
See: http://econ.st/1M6JPYn Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Monday, June 01, 2015
Facing medical bills, physicist Lederman sells Nobel for $765k
Says a lot about the medical care system in the USA!
See: http://ift.tt/1cqtTUf Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
You Need More Dark Meat Chicken in Your Life; Here Are 25 Recipes
I never thought that I would say this - but no more breasts!
See: http://bonapp.it/1dHL5WF Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Your toothpaste may be loaded with tiny plastic beads that never go away
You have been warned!
See: http://ift.tt/1G25fXS Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT
Reality doesn’t exist until we measure it, quantum experiment confirms
...and after it is measured it exists only in the past. The past cannot be visited, so reality actually never exists.
See: http://ift.tt/1FXi5or Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT