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Friday, July 31, 2015

Why is failure expected in business but unacceptable in government?

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

As the world mourned Cecil the lion, five of Kenya’s endangered elephants were slain

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A Democratic congressman just got indicted. Here's what the feds say he did.

The finest body of men that money can buy.
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Why every argument against the minimum wage is 100% BULLSHIT (VIDEO)

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Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner Announce $100M Initiative to Seek ET

Yikes. This is like the American "Indians" sending a message to Europe saying "Here we are. Come visit."
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The Science Of Why You Are So Upset About Cecil The Lion And Not Billions Of Other Animals

This "science" is not science. The outrage is not because he killed an iconic animal with a name. The outrage is because he killed an animal with no other purpose than to brag about killing an animal. There would be as much outrage if he shot a mut in the street and then publicized it as a brave event.
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Artist Removes One Letter from Famous Movie Titles and Illustrates the Results

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Goodbye, Android

"Google still has very little control over software updates, and Android users are basically at the mercy of their carriers and phone manufacturers when it comes to getting updates or new operating system versions" This is why Android users need to buy a new phone every few months to keep their software and security controls current.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cecil, Zimbabwe’s famous lion, was killed by an American dentist

This is sick.
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A Four-Dimensional Tour of Boston

Cool. The building where we lived is on the left at 2:00 in the clip.
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Yes, It Could Happen Again

Unfortunately this pessimistic outlook is likely to be correct. The best that any of us can do is try to position our descendants to survive whatever happens.
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Soil-Dwelling Fungus Rode Joplin Tornado to Unexpected Human Home

"However, they had also stumbled on an ominous finding. In addition to Apophysomyces, the Kansas City physicians identified multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria in the patients' wounds. As if an F-5 tornado and flesh-eating fungus were not enough, the scientists surmised that because the tornado struck farmland, agricultural antibiotic use among cattle and other livestock may have played a role in exposing these victims to yet another deadly peril." It's a hostile environment out there. Batten down your hatches.
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Street Photography Has No Clothes

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Your Fitness Tracker May be Wrong, but that Doesn’t Make it Bad - The Mac Observer

Why would anyone believe that footstep counters could be accurate? The people who brought the lawsuit are either dumb or trying to prove that the legal system is dumb.
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Bastions of quackademic medicine: Georgetown University « Science-Based Medicine

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Genes May Influence How Well You Take Tests

Interesting. That differences in test scores are correlated with genetic makeup is hardly surprising, however.
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Scott Adams Blog

Scott Adams for President!
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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Saturday, July 25, 2015

New drug treats depression in less than 24 hours with minimal side effects

Researchers have discovered Scotch? Next thing we know some pharmaceutical company will get a patent on it!
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How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

This is taking privatization too far.
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Summer finally getting its act together in Chicago

I knew it had to come sooner or later. Induction, you know.
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Warming climate fostering a burning of arctic boreal forests at a pace not seen for 10,000 years; more than 5-million acres have burned this year alone across western North America

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Language Log » Il ne parle pas Français

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Friday, July 24, 2015

The Mystery of ISIS by Anonymous

Interesting discussion by a person who does not claim to have the answer — unusual in this era when everyone with a blog knows the answer!
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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tic toc: Why pendulums swing in harmony

Would it not be great if politics worked this way? On second thoughts, political discourse does work this way.
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Two Elephants Reunited After Over 20 Years..What Happens Next Can’t Be Described

Should our search for extraterrestrials succeed, our descendants could feature in a video like this one.
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Revenge of the pension loopholes

If there is a system, it will be exploited. If there is no system ... ? Party on!
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Israel Security Establishment Breaks With Bibi on Iran Deal - Opinion

Professionals vs Pols
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Deerfield Among Suburbs With Highest Concentration of Ashley Madison Users

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Scientists have developed an eye drop that can dissolve cataracts

Will be a while before it comes to market.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Reports of Our Global Disorder Have Been Greatly Exaggerated | Foreign Policy

An optimistic view of the world. Beats pessimistic any day. Realistic is hard to recognize.
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In Memoriam: CHARLES HARBUTT (1935-2015)

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Deuteronomy: The First Torah -

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In 1858, People Said the Telegraph Was 'Too Fast for the Truth'

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Poverty's most insidious damage is to a child's brain

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How to Make Pizza, the New York (a.k.a. Right) Way - Bon Appétit

My personal New York pizza story. On my first business trip to the USA from South Africa in the 60's, a colleague and I went into a pizza place. We ordered two pizzas. In Johannesburg a pizza was rarely larger than 6 inches. The waiter looked at us as if we were crazy. "One pizza is enough" We said "No, we are hungry" He said "Lookit - one is enough. If you want another, it's on the house!" Who can resist a deal like that? The pizza arrived, it was great, and was HUGE.
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Obama: Critics of Iran Deal are the Same People Who Rushed to War with Iraq - I Take LIBERTY...

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Before we storm Capitol Hill

"Without an agreement, Iran will be free to do as it pleases, while the sanctions regime will anyway crumble, as many of the world's countries will rush to Tehran to sign profitable contracts."
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Top 20 Chicago Suburbs for Ashley Madison Affairs

How many of your neighbors are screwing around? Check here.
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Sgt. James Brown, 26, Survived Two Tours in Iraq Only to Die Begging for His Life in Texas Jail

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I'm Young. I'm Liberal. And Yes, I'm Zionist.

My thoughts exactly. Except I am not Young
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One Million Bones in Washington, DC

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Photographing Strangers on the T with B.D. Colen

My favorite (actually only) teacher of photographer. I attended BD's workshop on Documentary Photography in Maine. Highly recommended if he does it again. I learned a lot, but not enough to be good!
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Apple just lost $62 billion in value in 8 minutes

Stupid chart. Look at the last month. Or year. There should be a law that punishes stupid use of graphs. Go to Google, type AAPL and select a longer time frame.
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First And Last Syllables: Cognitive Mechanism Present At Birth

Very interesting.
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Monday, July 20, 2015

Stories of Bigotry Around the World

"When I was away at camp at age 13—in very white-bread northern Ontario—there was a kid in my cabin who, completely out of the blue, pushed me down the stairs and called me a “fucking Jew.”"
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Four Ways To Fund A Presidential Campaign

So, it's going to be Bush vs Clinton or Sanders vs Paul?
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The looming olive oil apocalypse

Oy! Lard will not hack it for me.
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Bernie Sanders Spent $0 On Polling, Because Really, Would It Change His Mind Anyway?

Interesting point. Why would a principled candidate for office pay for polls polls to see what he/she (we need a new word - I propose heshe as a genderless pronoun) should say.
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Bernie Sanders Continues to Draw the Biggest Crowds of Any 2016 Candidate

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Million of Europeans didn't get a right to return. Why should Palestinians?

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Leica S-E (Typ 006)

Sorry, folk. You missed your chance for a budget-priced camera
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Scott Adams Blog

Rules of etiquette to live by...
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Watch: Chemical-free food? No such thing

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Why History Gives Obama the Benefit of the Doubt in Advocating the Iran Deal

"Virtually every opponent of the new Iran deal was also a proponent of invading Iraq 12 years ago." Invading Iraq lead directly to ISIS.
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After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics found

The next 100 years will bring new physics that will enable wondrous new devices. There will be at least as much change as happened over the past 100 years. Perhaps newly discovered physics will provide an antidote to climate change just as newly discovered fossil fuel deposits invalidated the Club of Rome predictions of the 70s.
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Why Does Water Taste Weird After You Leave It Out Overnight?

. . . other things about water!
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Trump Wants More 'Christian' Immigrants, Forgets Over 90% Of Mexicans Are Christian

The conspiracy supporting Trump must be managed by professional comedians not the Democrats as I previously surmised.
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Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Brief History of the Canon Canonet Rangefinder

I had a QL 1.9 until it was stolen on a train in Italy. :-(
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Comic for July 18, 2015

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Tornado watch for the entire metro area until 10 PM CDT

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What war-hungry conservatives completely ignore about Iran

A view from the other side. Judge it as you will.
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Podcast Machine

Great weekly podcast covering Chicago and Illinois politics. This one discussed the attempt by the State to break pension contracts.
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Is this cool or what–a unique view of the lightning Friday night over Valparaiso, IN

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Friday, July 17, 2015

Swear maps

How Twitter users use language.
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Thursday, July 16, 2015

10 vintage computer reviews from the dawn of technology

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The Atlantic Adapts: A Legendary Magazine Meets Online Video - Streaming Media Magazine

Evolve or die! The Atlantic seems to be doing ok.
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New law: Sweet corn is Illinois’ official state veggie

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Oh Good, Someone Built A Drone That Fires A Handgun

"For the record, attaching a firearm to a civil aircraft is, in the words of the FAA, "super illegal."" Just wait until the NRA gets onto this !
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Proof that you should get a life

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Ashkenazi Jews descend from 350 people, study finds

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Scott Walker Joins The ‘Tough On Iran Like Reagan Was’ Club

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The Withering of a Once-Great State University

If you can't get a degree, destroy the institutions that grant them. Yay Democracy!
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Jailers in chief?

It is great that this issue is starting to get attention. For the "land of the free" to have the highest incarceration rate in the world is a tad ironic.
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Have a Flash-Based Photo Website? Now is the Time to Switch

You have been warned.
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Never Do Laundry Again

I wonder how they get the laundry into the little hole at the bottom of the phone?
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Scott Adams Blog

Wise words
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If You’re From Chicago, This Will Be The Most Jaw-Dropping Thing You See Today. No Contest.

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A Troll Posing as 'Customer Service' on Corporate Facebook Pages is Winning the Internet

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Celebrity Cruises Names The Industry's First-Ever American Female Captain

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Everything you want to know about the Iranian nuclear deal

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NASA just posted the best photo of Pluto ever taken to Instagram

A message?
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Earliest surviving colour photographs on display

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The age of unreason

If you think that the world is going crazy, that is because it is.
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Overwhelming Expert Consensus Favors Agreement with Iran

Experts like it. Extremists on both sides dislike it. Draw your own conclusions.
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How the Press Should Handle a Candidate With No Chance of Winning

He should be encouraged to run as an independent.
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MUST READ: Harvard Neurosurgeon Confirms The Afterlife Exists

Even smart people can have hallucinations.
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This is what it’s like to be an Indian-American woman in India

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The Petite Cook

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Monday, July 13, 2015

Cop Buys Diapers, Shoes for Mom Caught Shoplifting for Kids

This is the kind of policing we need more of.
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Inside Claridge's - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have enjoyed this series. Some of the segments resonated. I have left clothes at a New York hotel for my future visits. However if you think that taxes on the wealthy are too high, watch this and explain why!
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Language Log » Shibolet and perejil

Why accent is important.
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Vive la différence!

"Men have better motor and spatial abilities than women and more monomaniacal patterns of thought. Women have better memories. They are more socially adept and are better at dealing with several things at once." Based on my sample of two, absolutely correct :-(
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Google's Latest Project Is The Coolest Thing You'll See In 2015!

This is very cool!
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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jeb Bush Just Criticized President Obama – For Being Too Intelligent

"Well, in something that almost sounds like satire (even though it isn’t), GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush criticized President Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry for being too intelligent. “You don’t have to be the world’s policemen, but you have to be the world’s leader and there’s a huge difference,” Bush said. “This guy, this president and Secretary Clinton and Secretary Kerry, when someone disagrees with their nuanced approach where it’s all kind of so sophisticated it makes no sense. You know what I’m saying?” “Big syllable words, lots of fancy conferences and meetings,” he continued." Being stupid is the continuing Bush family strategy for the world. How well did that work out in Iraq?
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The Real Story of Obamacare's Birth

In case you were wondering...
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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Instant artist statement: Arty Bollocks Generator

This is wonderful
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Einstein Biographer Talks Religion and Science

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Elderly Women Serving Life Without Parole Form a Heartbreaking Chorus

This is so sad. Watch to the end. :-( life in prison starting at the age of 14!
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Revealed: Exxon knew of climate change in 1981– but it funded deniers for 27 more years

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World’s First ‘Phodographer’ Dog Uses Heart Rate Monitor That Snaps Pics When He Gets Excited

Best idea I have seen in weeks!
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Witnesses to D.C. stabbing didn't confront killer, but would you?

I don't know. But Hilda says I have a short fuse in this kind of situation.
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Trump’s Got the GOP by the Balls

"How does he have the power to elect Clinton all by himself? By running as an independent. Two factors usually prevent candidates who lose nominations from running as independents. One, they lack the enormous amount of money needed to pursue that path (pay the lawyers to get them on 50 state ballots, etc.). Two, they have a sense of proportion and decency, and they figure that if primary voters rejected them, it’s time to go home. Well, Trump has the dough and lacks the decency. "
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If the Iran talks fail, we won't just revert to the status quo. It'll be worse.

"Iran will likely conclude that it can never get American sanctions relief, and thus will have little incentive to continue adhering to the 2013 Joint Plan of Action — the temporary agreement that's currently limiting its nuclear advancement."
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Freedom of Panorama is saved!

That was close!
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The Secret Startup That Saved the Worst Website in America

Building complex systems is no easier now than it was 50 years ago.
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Florida Supreme Court Orders Redrawing of Some 'Constitutionally Invalid' Congressional Districts

""The court has made it abundantly clear that partisan gerrymandering will not be tolerated," - but it will not stop. It is the foundation of the two-party system, designed to keep other views from representation.
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Prosecutors Drop Ridiculous Charge For Cautious Driver, Reveal Bigger Problem

The criminal "justice" system is hardly biased towards justice.
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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Bush Charged $100,000 Speaking Fee For Veteran Fundraiser

What a great unselfish patriot! I am all choked up!
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Tempting... I still own a some very capable film cameras.
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The Little-Known Engineer Who Made the First Abstract Paintings in the US

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Donald Trump is in 1st place in a GOP primary poll. I repeat, Donald Trump is in 1st...

I find this hard to believe. I am friends with many Republicans with whom I cheerfully disagree on most political topics and I cannot imagine any of them going for this clown. This has to be an organized effort by the Democratic Party (or Trump himself) to spam the polls and get him nominated!
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Facebook Now Lets You Manually Control What You See In News Feed First | Redmond Pie

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The Online Photographer: Why I Stopped Giving Friends and Relatives Camera-Buying Advice

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Heads Up: You Can Access Lynda Lessons for Free at Some Public Libraries

Our local library provides this. Sometimes useful.
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Scott Adams Blog

As usual, Scott Adams get it right.
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T-Mobile no longer charges you for using your phone in Mexico and Canada

About time. Let's see if the other carriers will do the same -- and then move on to all International calls. Remember when calling long distance meant speaking to an operator?
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IBM has developed the first 7nm chips with four times the capacity of today's most powerful chips

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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Every goddamn day: 07/08/15: Why religion is like a hammer

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An expert reveals why you've been recycling wrong this whole time

"Because in reality, not all papers, plastic and glassware is made equal, and there's a lot more that dictates whether something is recyclable or not"
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Is American Patriotism Getting Out of Hand?

"aversion to facts is a defining characteristic of modern American patriotism"
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The Teshuva of Sanders

We do need a good dose of Socialism to fend off the disaster that the new ideologically Libertarian governors brought down on their States, and that Rauner is trying to bring to Illinois.
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BuzzFeed Oz

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Chicago Has Had More Than 12,000 Shootings Since 2010 (MAP)

Guns don't hurt people. People with guns hurt people! See where not to walk on this site.
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Monday, July 06, 2015

Rich Kids Major in English

When I went to College Math was not considered to be useful.
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The Choice Ahead: A Private Health-Insurance Monopoly or a Single Payer

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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Navy Pier on Twitter

This is the finale of tonight's fireworks at Navy Pier - which we only glimpsed between the buildings because we were at the Grant Park Music Festival
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Summer’s best weather arrives for the 4th

About time!
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The Leica M Edition 60

... Or just black out the screen on your camera with black tape.
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For Chris Christie and Marco Rubio, It's Pajama Time at Mitt Romney's House

I always love it when the children play well together.
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Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

It is disgusting that scientists use facts. They must be stopped.
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Friday, July 03, 2015

Thursday, July 02, 2015

The 2015 American-Made Index

The Toyota Camry is the most American car!
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F-35 project team says bad dogfight report “does not tell whole story”

A follow up on my post about the F-35.
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Problem solving game teaches statistics lesson

I got it!
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The Man Who Saw America

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Is Memory the Memoirist’s Worst Enemy?

Memory is mostly fiction as far as I can tell.
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Payment card breach at Trump Hotels - Follow The Money

Reason #42 to avoid his hotels
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Business Leaders Turn On Republicans And Blast Them For Having No Idea What They’re Doing

HIs thumb is about to go up someones arse - probably his own.
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Fox News Megyn Kelly ridicules Ted Cruz's Supreme Court fix during interview (VIDEO)

She is positioning herself for a real news job when Fox implodes under the weight of its own bullshit.
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Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Why the United States and Cuba are cosying up

"America’s long-standing attempt to isolate Cuba both commercially and diplomatically has been an utter failure" The main result has been to impoverish the Cuban people.
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My word is “Crazy”. Which five-letter word describes you perfectly?

I suspect that "Crazy" is e only answer it gives. What sane person would participate in this?
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Africans are crowd-sourcing beautiful images of their lives to fight media stereotypes

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The Mathematics Of Editing In 'The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly'

Fascinating. Maybe I should watch more movies Alejandro Felch
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Snapshots of 20th Century Artists Living Life

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WATCH: Here's what Chernobyl looks like today

This is the way the world ends Not with a bang, but a whimper...
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Is the Premise of Meritocracy Immoral?

Point to ponder
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These trippy images show how Google's AI sees the world

So, can an algorithm own a copyright?
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