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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Planned Parenthood’s Activities Are Completely Legal, And Republicans Are Proving It

The problem for the theocratic right is that PP activities are indeed legal - but they do not want them to be legal.
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Why Little Kids in Japan Are So Independent

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Interesting number paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All numbers are interesting. It's been proven.
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How the Tesla Killed Automotive Glamour

I thought Ferraris also had about a 200 mile range between service events.
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The Nine Circles of Hell at Expo Milano, the 2015 World’s Fair

Who knew that world fairs were still a thing?
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Do you love coffee? You should probably be drinking even more

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Every 10 seconds...

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

A “Natural Cure” for Eczema Leaves a Young Child in Agony…..

Conclusion: Harmful nonsense is harmful
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Friday, September 25, 2015

New Alzheimer’s treatment fully restores memory function

I am dubious. In any case, we need something for the rest of us.
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We Lost Our Daughter to a Mass Shooter and Now Owe $203,000 to His Ammo Dealer

Disgusting. The gun industry and lobby needs to controlled. A constitutional amendment is needed.
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Austria Sends Jewish Historian to Jail After He Exposes Holocaust Crimes

And so it goes...
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Mecca belongs to all Muslims, and Saudi Arabia shouldn’t be allowed to run it

When the fight for Saudi Arabia begins all hell will break loose.
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Dewey, Cheatem & Howe

"Ronald Reagan insisted that government is always the problem, never the solution, and this has become dogma on the right." And, as usual, he was wrong.
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xkcd: Picture a Grassy Field

Reality is in your mind - not out there someplace.
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Scott Adams Blog

Dilbert for Speaker of the House!
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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead and crucify a 21-year-old activist

And these guys are our allies!
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Ben Carson Shattering Stereotype About Brain Surgeons Being Smart

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Big Price Increase for TB Drug Is Rescinded

Seems like the FDA needs to rethink something.
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Hedge Fund Manager Buys Rights To Critical Drug, Hikes Price By 5000%

Yeah. Let's deregulate everything, because, you know, companies are people that can be trusted.
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What Millennials’ Use of Email Tells Us About How We Need to Change

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

DNA Science Now So Sophisticated, It Can Be Used To Recover "Lost Bits" Of History, Researchers...

"The researchers say it's now "clear that migration and admixture have been the norm, rather than the exception, throughout human history." This will upset some presidential candidates :-)
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What are your 3 strengths and your 1 weakness?

Based only on my name?
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Sommelier tastes box wine - Dr Vino's wine blog

Hmmm - mat be worth a try...
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Every goddamn day: 09/20/15: Ben Carson shits on the American flag

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PNHP: This is why we need single-payer – Medicare for all

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12 Odd South African Expressions That Drive The World Crazy

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Jackson Pollock Quote

I must be a tree!
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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ted Cruz Says He is Honored to Receive Endorsement of White Supremacist, Gun Fanatic Group

He should be honored. No one else will support him.
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Born In The USA: How America Created Iran's Nuclear Program

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Bentley SUV offers optional $170,000 clock

Inconspicuous consumption...
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Scott Adams Blog

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The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration

"From the Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders (“To my mind, it makes eminently more sense to invest in jobs and education, rather than jails and incarceration”) to mainstream progressives like Hillary Clinton (“Without the mass incarceration that we currently practice, millions fewer people would be living in poverty”) to right-wing Tea Party candidates like Ted Cruz (“Harsh mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug crimes have contributed to prison overpopulation and are both unfair and ineffective”), there is now broad agreement that the sprawling carceral state must be dismantled. " Now let's see if anyone will actually do anything about it.
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How Volkswagen Cheated on Emissions Testing

Corporations are people too. But how do you incarcerate one?
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Friday, September 18, 2015

The Oldest Known Footage Of The City Of Chicago

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Very cool map of London's Underground accurately drawn. Lisa Moss
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"Jaywalking" Video Shows 9 Police Officers Tackling 16-Year-Old Boy

These guys protect us? With police like this, we don't need criminals.
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Why South Africans can't do cinema - BRAVEHEART

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U.S. to Begin Military Talks With Russia on Syria

The Middle East of the 21st Century is beginning to look scarily like the Balkans of the 20th Century leading up to WWI and WWII (for the younger generation, the Cliff Notes - Actually Spark Notes, but close enough - are here ). Change the names of a few of the players, replace "Liberalism" with "Democracy" and here we go again.
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Jeremy Taylor: "Ag Pleez Deddy"

For those of us of a certain age from a certain country...
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Conservative Forbes Admits Obamacare Is Adding Jobs And Helping The Economy

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

How Do We Speak To Each Other? (RH 2015)

If you have the fortitude to listen to another sermon, this is worth a listen.
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Ahmed’s Clock Wasn’t a Bomb. And The Texas School Knew it.

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Wizard Attacks Wizard - The Trump Persuasion Series

I love this guy's analysis.
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A Failure to Launch Gives NASA Spotty Access to the Space Station

Another privatization disaster. Relying on Russia for space station access could become a problem.
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What We Mean When We Say Hello

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Limbaugh: Watching GOP Debate Was Like "Watching 11 Rush Limbaughs"

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South Africa's new human ancestor sparks racial row

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Ann Coulter Used GOP Debate To Launch Derogatory Attack On Jews

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Jeb Bush defends his brother: 'He kept us safe'

Except for 9/11, of course. Talk about being in denial!
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Air Force chief rebuts F-35 haters, calls for more modernization | Ars Technica

Welsh noted that the Air Force is in its "24th year of continual combat—no air force has done that before." Not something to be proud of. Hope he is right about the F-35 - but it seems dubious.
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FactChecking the CNN Republican Debate

I found it fascinating that with rare exceptions the consensus opinion was that the USA should cut taxes, increase spending on the military and border control, and balance the budget! Seems like arithmetic is not a strong point in this crowd.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How The Florida Governor's Office Manipulated Media Coverage Of Planned Parenthood Investigation

"The Florida agency tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood clinics in that state found no evidence that they were mishandling fetal remains, but Gov. Rick Scott's office altered the agency's statements to remove language that exonerated Planned Parenthood, and added new language that made the organization look guilty of wrongdoing. Several media outlets unwittingly quoted the statements before the misleading edits were discovered."
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Artists and Their Big Secret

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What Language Experts Find So Strange About Donald Trump

Interesting - discomforting.
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Video Captures Last Year's Epic Collision Between Fully Laden Containerships in the Suez

Talk about "O Shit" moments.
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Who Earned a Higher Salary Than You

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Accurate - almost. The new mess includes external drives for backup, wifi extender, charging cables and bricks for phones and pads and cameras, scanners, shredders, mice, Wacom tablets, printers. Speakers, and a mess of cables that we keep just in case we need them.
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Life as a Nonviolent Psychopath

I have reading his book. Very interesting.
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Tea Party Rally Lists Alternatives to Iran Deal: "Let the Good Out, Nuke Them, Hold Super Bowl...

Very scary people. Trump/Cruz for President? It could happen.
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It's Still Not the End of History

"A new Cold War has broken out. China’s “Marxist capitalism” suggests you can have wealth without freedom. And the advance of ISIS may herald a new, state-oriented Islamic fundamentalism."
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America's Never-Ending Stadium Boondoggle

"The overwhelming conclusion of decades of economic research on the subject is that using public funds to subsidize wealthy sports franchises makes zero economic sense and is a giant waste of taxpayer money."
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The Hell of Living Without Dental Care

I have often wondered why tooth problems are not medical problems covered by medical insurance.
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A unified theory of conservative crankery isn't so hard

"All of this leads to a further question, which is why the GOP is the party of apparatchiks and cranks. I don’t yet have a deep answer."
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Friday, September 11, 2015

How ‘Bambi’ Traumatized a Generation

I still remember it from when I was, I am guessing, 4-6 years old. It scared the crap out of me. I have hated Disney ever since.
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FAA contractor sentenced to 12 1/2 years for fire at key Aurora radar center

We are still using the prison system as a replacement for a mental health system. Thank You, Saint Ronnie.
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KKK Rears Its Ugly Hood in Austin, Plans An Anti-Immigrant Million Klan March

They're baa-ak! Actually, they never left. They are just emboldened by the political discourse we have to endure.
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Taxis, Ubers and the bitter pill - by Lucy Watson

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What really matters at the end of life

One needs to teeter on the fence to see both sides.
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Perry drops out, takes gloves off. In thinly veiled attack, calls Trump ignorant and racist.

Could not have happened to a better person- but maybe if he was a better person it would not have happened. Bye.
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Comics: Problems with Digital Photography…

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Caring, more or less

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Israel’s Favorite Palestinian Calls It Quits

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How to Season and Maintain a Wooden Cutting Board

News I can use...
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Work shouldn’t start until 10am and school even later, says sleep expert

Just because people are at work or school early does not mean that work has started.
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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

The Year Of The Know-Nothing Candidates

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25 years after ‘The Civil War,’ Ken Burns finally made his dream movie

Wonderful imagery. Sad to realize the the U.S. was the Syria of the mid 19th Century - and the issue has still not been settled.
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Boehner Fuming As Liberals Troll Him With Push To Remove Reagan's Name From Airport

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Ohio man tries to teach wife about gun safety — accidentally shoots her

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Student Protests in South Africa Highlight Dissatisfaction With Pace of Change

I was wondering when someone would notice...
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Looking for Alice: a mother's gradual acceptance of her daughter, born with Down's Syndrome

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Monday, September 07, 2015

My Summer at an Indian Call Center

"America is not all honey and roses the way they tell you," he informs me. "Truth is, 90 percent of the people there, you will find, they'll do the most stupid things, impulsive things. I know for a fact. At the same time, Americans are bighearted people, and the remaining 10 percent of them are smart. Bloody smart. That's why they rule the world."
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What The U.S. Should Learn From The Tappan Zee Bridge

"the saga that led up to its construction serves as a symbol of how elected officials waste resources by abandoning viable options and avoiding politically controversial policies." Democracy in action.
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Imagine Your Life in Book. Preview it here!

So the market values you as a Facebook user at about $200. Maybe Facebook should pay us to use it?
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What Ira Glass Explains In 1-Minute Will Change Your Life Forever. Seriously.

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Problems That Only Introverts Will Understand

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Six Weeks’ Paid Leave Opposed By People With Thirty-Three Weeks’ Paid Leave - The New Yorker

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Life Lived: B.D. Colen On Photography

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Speaker Larijani dashes US belief he will back nuclear deal

If the Iranians reject the nuclear deal, will the US opponents suddenly support it rather than be seen to be siding with Iran?
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Not so fast

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When Memorization Gets in the Way of Learning

Wonderful discussion. Right on the mark.
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Blessed Be My Freshly Slaughtered Dinner

Combine this with the 2nd amendment and we have a reversion to cannibalism!
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Sunday, September 06, 2015


If it's not worth doing, it's not worth doing well.
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Fox News Embarrasses Dick Cheney On Iraq And Iran

"When we took down Saddam Hussein" -- the Bush administration took down Iran's major opponent in the region! If we had left Iraq loose, they could have done a lot to neutralize Iran. Invading Iraq will go down in history as one of the biggest blunders of all time. It lead directly to the establishment of Iran as an undisputed power and the rise of ISIS. And the big Dick is proud of it!!!
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Chris Wallace smacks down Dick Cheney: Iran’s nuclear build-up happened on your watch

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Refugee crisis: ‘Love the stranger because you were once strangers’ calls us now | Jonathan Sacks

This does not play well in the political climate in the USA, unfortunately. Our "exceptional nation" does not want to dilute its exceptionality.
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Thursday, September 03, 2015

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The Bourne Identity - The Baffler

If the USA had not helped defeat Germany so completely in WW I it reasonable to believe that Hitler would never have achieved traction and the Holocaust could have been averted.
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Study shows Chicago is friendliest city for tourists in U.S.

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Why Can't the United States Build a High-Speed Rail System?

Because Liberty
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The Storm Before the Calm | Foreign Policy

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Our Radical Islamic BFF, Saudi Arabia

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Comic for September 02, 2015

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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

How Come Some People Believe in the Paranormal?

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Chicago’s Impending Toll Road Strike And How Outsourcing Government Services Can Be A Bad Bet

Government often operates badly. Outsourcing government functions like roads, prisons, the armed forces and parking meters is even worse.
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The Petite Cook

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Republicans Like Obama's Ideas Better When They Think They're Donald Trump's

Not surprising
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The Democratic Party Would Be Foolish to Nominate Hillary Clinton

He has good point.
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Identifying the Smart Voters

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