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Monday, November 30, 2015
The truth about the white working class: Why it’s really allergic to voting for Democrats
Birthright questions quiz
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Grouchy's Grumbles
More terrorist incitement goes unpunished.
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The New York Times
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Sunday, November 29, 2015
The Maps That Prove the Daylight Saving Cycle Is Ruining Our Lives
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6 Acts of Actual Terrorism That Happened While People Were Freaking Out About Refugees
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Saturday, November 28, 2015
Marco Rubio Says to Ignore SCOTUS Decision and First Amendment
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Republicans Fired The Leading Expert On Right-Wing Terrorism When Obama Took Office
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Here Are All The People Applauding The Planned Parenthood Shooter
In case you think that only ISIS promotes terrorism in the USA, consider these responses.
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Saudi Arabia Attempting to Behead a Man for Writing Love Poems
Our allies.
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Traveling Teaches Students in a Way Schools Can't
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Wendell Pierce Tweet Exposes Hypocrisy of American Gun Control Laws | Urban Intellectuals
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Friday, November 27, 2015
Burger King manager told grand jury of gap in Laquan McDonald video of police shooting
Why have all the officers involved in this been charged? The whole affair from the cover-up to the ill-timed release of the video smacks of poor management from the mayor down at best, and most likely criminal malfeasance.
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I lost 60 pounds and realized two important things about eating with Google Docs
Exactly my method that allowed me to loose 25 lbs
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Biggest, most powerful engine in the world: 109,000 HP
This beats the crap out of a whimpy Intel Processor.
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Saudi woman Gang-raped, Court Gives Her 200 Lashes And Jail Term
“It is scandalous that the UN chose a country that has beheaded more people this year than ISIS to be head of a key human rights panel. Petro-dollars and politics have trumped human rights. Saudi Arabia has arguably the worst record in the world when it comes to religious freedom and women’s rights, and continues to imprison the innocent blogger Raif Badawi” via Tina Manley
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Architectural Photography Workshop
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Open House Chicago - 2015 - Courtesy of Google
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Photo by Clive Moss
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Photos by Clive Moss
Three years ago, courtesy of Google.
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Photos by Clive Moss
Google photos does interesting things when you dump all your photos into it. It picked up this bunch from 5 years ago all by itself with no curation or editing on my part!
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Photo by Clive Moss
Jacob Bokor
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BDS Fail Of The Day: SJP Needs To Boycott Its Own Website
"If you're gonna build a website telling people to boycott Israel, don't build your website on Wix! They are an Israeli company. Idiots." Thanks to Hillary Lynne Glaser
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Thursday, November 26, 2015
Thanksgiving flight patterns
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
The tardigrade genome has been sequenced, and it has the most foreign DNA of any animal
The bug from space?
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I would exercise more but I usually forget that I need to.
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Why do American cops kill so many compared to European cops?
Good question
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Jacob on Drums - November 2015
This video is about Jacob on Drums - November 2015
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What the pro-schmooze pundits fail to understand
Pathetic Party Politics.
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Video: Turkey shoots down Russian airplane | PBS NewsHour
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Chicago Tribune
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Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Nailed it.
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Heh. I thought it was just cleaning problem.
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BREAKING: Police just released footage of the Laquan McDonald shooting
Who needs terrorists when we have the Chicago police?
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Facts about the Syrian Refugees
Facts can be useful, except for politicians.
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Monday, November 23, 2015
Saudi Arabia Sentences Poet to Death
Saudi Arabia - our allies?
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Kennedy Expressway tops list for congestion in U.S., study finds
My Google Maps or Waze almost always routes me away from this and down Lake Shore Drive
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Police: Several Shot at New Orleans Playground During Music Video Shoot
Who needs terrorists? We do pretty well without them.
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A very simple explanation of why it's wrong to demand that Muslims condemn terrorism
"Condoning the killing of civilians is, to me, about the most monstrous thing you can to do. And to be suspected of doing something so monstrous, simply because of your faith, seems very unfair. Now when you look at the majority of terrorist attacks in the United States, according to the FBI, the majority of domestic terror attacks are actually committed by white, male Christians. Now that's just the facts. When those things occur, we don't suspect other people who share their faith and ethnicity of condoning them. We assume that these things outrage them just as much as they do anyone else. And we have to afford this same assumption of innocence to Muslims."
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Russian bombers wipe out Syrian city of Nawa, just 15 km from Golan
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What It Is Like To Be A Robot With No Soul
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Sunday, November 22, 2015
Watch: The science of genetic inheritance is weirder than we thought
Lisa and Karen - beware!
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Willy Foo - Photographer, Marketer, Technopreneur
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More pics of ballsy topless Lebanese girls burning #ISIS flags...
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Against NRA Opposition Sen. Feinstein Pushes To End Gun Sales To Suspected Terrorists
So now we know where the NRA's loyalty lies. Given this, would it not be appropriate to classify it as a terrorist organization?
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Indonesia is burning. So why is the world looking away? | George Monbiot
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The Cold Realism of the Post-Paris War on Terror
"Syria merely confirms the lesson the West should have learned from Iraq: that the freedom agenda in the Muslim world is dead."
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This, together with the comment stream, illustrates the core of the problem in Israel.
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Saturday, November 21, 2015
Gene Amdahl dies at 92; chief architect of IBM's mainframe computers
This obituary passed almost unnoticed.
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The Threat Is Already Inside
"The cheapest and easiest way to reduce the benefits of terrorism is to stop overreacting. That 129 people were killed in the Paris attacks is a terrible tragedy and a vicious crime, but 16,000 people in the United States are murdered each year in “ordinary” homicides, 30,000 die in accidental falls, 34,000 die in car crashes, and 39,000 die of accidental poisoning. We should mourn each and every death, and we should take all reasonable steps to prevent more deaths from occurring and punish those responsible for intentionally inflicting harm. But we need to stop viewing terrorism as unique and aberrational. The more we panic and posture and overreact, the more terrorism we’ll get."
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Mike Bloomberg has 6 harsh pieces of advice for people who want success
Very Good (:-)) advice
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Century-old November Chicago storm snowfall record poised to fall
It's been real...
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10 Years ago - November 19, 2005 Jacob and Julia
Taking advantage of the snow day to catch up on the 10 years ago series.
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Which Wine For the Bird—and Why? | The Feed
News you can use...
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Comic: Fluffy Action at a Distance
:-) but true
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Winter Storm continues today – additional snow accumulations of 3 to 7-inches before ending from west to east later this Saturday afternoon
We are in the pink...
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Friday, November 20, 2015
New Nerve Drugs May Finally Prevent Migraine Headaches
That would be nice - but "a single dose of a CGRP drug decreased headache days by more than 60 percent (63 percent in one study and 66 percent in the other)" does not indicate that the root cause has been addressed.
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Tea Party Idiot Ted Cruz Pleads For Repeal Of Federal Law That Doesn't Exist
Typical Tea Party.
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Updated Winter Storm Warning for heavy snow across the Chicago area
We are in the pink - to coin a phrase
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Muslim woman puts NBC's Chuck Todd in his place with this calm response (VIDEO)
Why don't we expect or demand that American Christian leaders speak out against Christain gun violence? Good question.
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Exact Location of Vermeer’s “The Little Street” Discovered
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The 'reality gap' poses real political challenges
For all of the Fox watchers...
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Boston Museum Opens Time Capsule Left by Paul Revere
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Waterlogged snow accumulations to produce “heart attack” snow–be careful shoveling; could end up Chicago’s biggest Nov snow in 37 years
Hunkering down for the weekend. No shovelling for me :-)
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Counter-Suicide-Terrorism: Evidence from House Demolitions
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Toddlers Shot More People In US Than Islamic Terrorists In 2015: 20 Senators Want To Know Why
We have to start checking toddler immigrants immediately!
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A Hyperlapse of the South African Safari
Very cool!
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Meet The 88 Democrats Who Just Voted To Enable Racial Discrimination In Car Buying
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Saudi Arabia, an ISIS That Has Made It
"Daesh has a mother: the invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia and its religious-industrial complex. Until that point is understood, battles may be won, but the war will be lost"
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Dumb Hicks Are America's Greatest Threat
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Don't Close America's Doors to Refugees
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Thursday, November 19, 2015
H.R. 4038: American SAFE Act of 2015 -- House Vote #643 -- Nov 19, 2015
Keep America Safe. Stop selling guns.
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Winter storm Watch for potential heavy snow west and north of Chicago Friday night – Saturday morning
Here we go again
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32 killed, 80 injured in Nigeria market blast – Red Cross
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists
Sanity at last.
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Powerful Images Showing Where Young Syrian Refugees Sleep
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DSW Shoe Lovers Care
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Gun purchases legal for those on US terror watchlists
Well, they are often members of a "well regulated militia" so they are protected by the Constitution.
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The real risk is in barring Syrian refugees
Not to mention that tourist visas are much easier to obtain.
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Doctors want ban on prescription drug, device advertisements
Sounds like a good idea to me.
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Obama lashed out at governors & fearmongering GOP candidates on Syrian refugee crisis (VIDEO)
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Envisioning How Global Powers Can Smash ISIS
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To Weld, Perchance, to Dream
"Philosophers don’t know the answers, but we do know the questions and the fact that we keep on asking them is evidence to the fact that human beings are still perplexed by the major issues of truth, reality, God, justice and even happiness."
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The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away
Truly useful truths.
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America's Test Kitchen Founder Chris Kimball Leaves Show
Trouble in the Kitchen! Oy!
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Here's The List Of Governors Who Will NOT Take Refugees Into Their States | The Sean Hannity Show
Stupid is as stupid does. It is far easier to enter the US with tourist visa than as a refugee. Maybe these "Governors" will refuse tourists as well? GMAFB!
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Here Are The Muslim Leaders Who Condemned Terrorism That Sean Hannity Ignored
It seems that the reason that Fox News and their blogging cohorts are whining that mainstream Muslims do not condemn terrorism is that Fox et al do not carry the condemnations - and if Fox does not carry it - it never happened. To be fair - most other news channels do not carry the condemnations - because ratings?
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Anonymous Declares War on ISIS, First Salvo is Suspended Twitter Accounts - The Mac Observer
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Scientists now think that being overweight can protect your health
Dang. I just lost about 2 stone.
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Mike Huckabee Can’t Think Of Anyone Except Muslims Targeting Innocent Civilians
Food for thought for the thoughtful.
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Infographic: What does the colour of your snot say about your health?
Don't read this while you're having breakfast.
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What Americans thought of Jewish refugees on the eve of World War II
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What a Conservative Alternative to Obama's Climate Plan Looks Like
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Because of Paris, people are sharing news about a seven-month old attack in Kenya for the first time
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It’s Not Just Paris: From Nigeria to Egypt, 10 of 2015’s Worst Terrorist Attacks
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Three Boys Boarding - Wilmette, IL | DogVacay
In case you need it...
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The Greatest Jazz Artists …According to The BBC - uDiscover
Pretty good list.
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If you manage your time terribly, you’ll get more done
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Monday, November 16, 2015
Boko Haram destroyed more than 1,000 schools this year, UN says
It's only Africa so it does not matter?
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Space station suffers short circuit, power system degraded
...and I thought that replacing the remote control for the fan in my bedroom was a hassle!
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FBI picks up Chicago City Council inspector general computers
Politics as usual in Chicago…
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City of Chicago :: Ward 2
Our ward in the City of Chicago is possibly the most gerrymandered unit in the USA!
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Anonymous Declares War On ISIS After Paris Attacks
Time to get the CIA doing the same thing - and physically taking down their internet access.
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DSW Shoe Lovers Care
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DSW Shoe Lovers Care
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Why John Kerry and the French President are calling ISIS "Daesh"
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To the Republicans Blaming President Obama for the Attack in Paris: Just Stop
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Sunday, November 15, 2015
20 Problems Only Book Lovers Understand
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To really combat terror, end support for Saudi Arabia | Owen Jones
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Ten French warplanes drop 20 bombs on ISIS Syrian HQ
Surely it cannot be hard for the US and its allies to bomb every admin center and camp in ISIS territory! Why is it not being done? An underground bunch of terrorist cannot be bombed, A state such as ISIS is trying to establish can have its infrastructure totally destroyed, Even its access to the Internet must go through physical routers which can be hit. It may mean roughing up "allies" in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states - but so what?
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Anonymous vs. the Islamic State
Anonymous could be our most effective weapon!
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Dutch Pranksters Punk Museumgoers with IKEA Art
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Paris Attacks Highlight Western Vulnerability, And Our Selective Grief And Outrage - New Matilda
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Conservatives Immediately Criticize Obama After He Condemned Paris Attacks
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, is it still Obama's fault?
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The problem with moderate Muslims
"In my childhood I was told that every day that passes on the Islamic nation without a caliphate is a sin. That the failures and miseries of the Muslim world started the moment we gave up conquests and wars against the infidels. That our prosperity depends on conquering new lands, converting new believers, looting new resources and enslaving more women. I was taught that a Jew is essentially a demon in flesh and that it is our destiny as good Muslims to kill them all. I was regularly fueled by battle stories and stories of lethal feuds of seventh century Arabia. It was not just me, a small child in Cairo, who was raised with these great apocalyptic prophecies, it was also so many people from all around the globe."
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‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’
On the direct path to the Bataclan...
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Le Bataclan, une cible régulièrement visée
In case you were wondering why the Bataclan...
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
FactChecking GOP Economic Debate
So, are politicians uninformed, dishonest, or both?
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Mapping 10 Years of Fatal Traffic Accidents
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Monday, November 09, 2015
3dfirstaid visual architecture
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The 26 happiest, richest, healthiest, and most crime-free countries in the world
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The scientific evidence against spanking, timeouts, and sleep training
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Sunday, November 08, 2015
Obama's New Appointee to Head the FDA Is a Big Pharma Mega-Lobbyist
Singing ... When will they ever learn ...
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A man’s jail term turns on a comma
Why syntax really matters. Watch your punctuation, especially if you are drafting a law that will be voted on by politicians who don’t read it!
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Study Theology, Even If You Don't Believe in God
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Saturday, November 07, 2015
The overwhelming evidence against spanking
The comments are mind blowing, especially when taken in conjunction with a society that favors "open carry" and "concealed carry"
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Friday, November 06, 2015
Sugar industry threatens to scupper WHO
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Correcting statistical biases in "Rising morbidity and mortality in midlife among white...
Be wary of statistics, especially when the analysis is performed by non-statisticians.
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Why Amazon isn’t a Fucking Idiot and Runs a Deficit
Economics 201
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Shaadow Sefiroth
Grace under pressure!
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May the Floss be with you? « Science-Based Medicine
News you can use.
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Thursday, November 05, 2015
Religious upbringing associated with less altruism, study finds
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Over 2 years & 7,530 images later, South African photographer creates dynamic time-lapse of Cape...
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Does Defensive Medicine Even Work?
"in six out of seven specialties, higher-spending physicians faced fewer malpractice claims, accounting for differences in patient case-mix across physicians." Now, wait for the malpractice lawyers to find a reason to sue for over-treating - perhaps a class action suit for the class of people who did not see a doctor but paid for insurance!
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Wednesday, November 04, 2015
Rupert Murdoch Takes Over National Geographic, Then Lays Off Award-Winning Staff
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Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Looking into the eyes of Iraqi detainees
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Why you might want to stop eating fish
At last - an ethical basis for my dislike of fish (pickled herring and lox excluded)
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How much daylight does daylight saving time save?
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Every goddamn day: 11/02/15: Economic fear makes governments do bad things
My kind of of guy...
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From The Archives: 1965 US Army Training Film: Basic Photography
A blast from the past!
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Sunday, November 01, 2015
Toddlers Killed By Guns Each Year Vs. Cops Shot In Line Of Duty...This Will Shock You! -
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Bill Gates: The private sector is completely inept
"“Since World War II, U.S.-government R&D has defined the state of the art in almost every area,” Gates told the Atlantic. “When I first got into this I thought, ‘How well does the Department of Energy spend its R&D budget?’ And I was worried: ‘Gosh, if I’m going to be saying it should double its budget, if it turns out it’s not very well spent, how am I going to feel about that? But as I’ve really dug into it, the DARPA money is very well spent, and the basic-science money is very well spent. The government has these ‘Centers of Excellence.’ They should have twice as many of those things, and those things should get about four times as much money as they do.”" And Congressmen will respond "I am not a scientist but yada yada yada. We must cut spending so our donors can get their payback"
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Photographers are different, but I bet you didn’t know just HOW different…
I would love to see this repeated with more than one sample per group, and include artists in the sample.
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The U.S. Date Format: Going Rogue - Adams on Contract Drafting
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20 of the First Photographs of Things, from People to Hoaxes to the Moon
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