Australians are also bemused and befuddled by the Trumpeter and the whole process. They follow the US news closely mainly via cable channels. FOX is big here. ☹️
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Monday, February 29, 2016
Europeans Are Dumbfounded By How Many Americans Actually Support Trump
"Tehran is liberated territory" as Pragmatists & Centrists win Iranian Capital & Expert Assembly
Some better news for a change
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Trump declines to condemn Ku Klux Klan
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Sunday, February 28, 2016
Tom Skilling
The temperature today (Monday) in Melbourne, Sunday in Chicago, was the about the same - around 62F or 17C
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Donald Trump refuses to disavow David Duke, KKK
He is proud to be both ignorant and bigoted.
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Saturday, February 27, 2016
The Governing Cancer of Our Time
He nails it!
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The KKK Just Showed Up At The Nevada Caucus To Support Trump
Why am I not surprised?
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Report: Getting Out Of Bed In Morning Sharply Increases Risk Of Things Getting Even Worse
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Friday, February 26, 2016
New '1988' Ad Uses Reagan to Push GOP on Supreme Court Vacancy
Saint Ronnie has spoken. 🤔
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
If We Measure an Activity, We Enjoy It Less
"Psychological science right now is also struggling with questions of replication, wherein some results and assessments previously judged as core to the field could not be recreated in a clinical laboratory setting." In general using the word "science" in the name of a discipline indicates that is not actually a science. Sorry, "scientists"
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HuffPost Politics
In case you were wondering who could possibly support this asshole, provides some insight.
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A Photographer Visited A Lost Mongolian Tribe. These Photos Are Stunning
The loss of the culture of groups like this is tragic.
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Robert Feder
Reason #267 why I don't watch TV for information.
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The New York Times
On my bakeit list. I have made Cauliflower Steaks by cutting 1+ inch (3cm for the Imperially challenged) slices and roasting them. Wonderful!
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The Jewish Daily Forward
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016
40 Words For Emotions You've Felt, But Couldn't Explain
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Tuesday, February 23, 2016
How to fix a round cage
Jacob Bokor be sure to treat Lizzie's cage well!
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Why Ted Cruz's Preacher Sidekick Is No Friend of the Jews — or Israel
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What Will You Do About Chris Killip’s Challenge?
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Pita Bread
I have to try this. Pita is the antichallah - but also great. Pita/Challah ~ Ying/Yang
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So You Want to Boycott Israel - here is your list!
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Monday, February 22, 2016
Around Melbourne in Summer
A few more from around Caulfield
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Consumer Reports
What a crappy system we have.
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The Science of Happiness: Why complaining is literally killing you.
"rational reasons for optimism and for removing from my life the people who liked to complain"
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Jacobson still taking bows for homeless act
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The IRS gives up on fighting ‘dark money’
This is sick. Next Fox "News" will be claiming non-profit status.
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Sunday, February 21, 2016
Drinking Can Help You Remember What Happened the Last Time You Drank
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NBC Chicago
A block from our apartment in the City. Chicago is not for wimps.
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Salisbury Cathedral sculpture moved because texters kept walking into it - Premier Christian Radio
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
Supreme Court shifts in power
Interesting analysis
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Explaining Socialism in a Way Conservatives will Love
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Charles Koch: This is the one issue where Bernie Sanders is right
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Drinking More Coffee May Reverse Liver Damage from Booze
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Friday, February 19, 2016
Drinking Wine Before Bed Could Help You Lose Weight, Says Science
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Wearable robot transforms musicians into three-armed drummers (w/ Video)
This is for you, Jacob Bokor
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A simple way to break a bad habit
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Tom Skilling
In the next few days Chicago and Melbourne will both have temperatures around the 40s - one in Fahrenheit and the other in Centigrade!
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The Great Wall Marathon
Cliff Karp this one's for you.
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What to Do With Leftover Tomato Paste
Really useful news you can use
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Thursday, February 18, 2016
A cartoon from The New Yorker
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Mother Jones
This could (and will) be spun either way - liberals are too dumb to see the dangers, or conservatives are too dumb to see how to avert the dangers. Either way, we are stuck with ourselves. If you can keep your head when those all about you are losing theirs: (a) You truly don't understand the situation (b) You’ll be a Man (apologies to Rudyard Kipling)
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Dilbert Gets Ready To Babysit
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Why Americans are Angry: The Minimum Wage Trap
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Planet Zuma: Somewhere in a galaxy far, far away - Democratic Alliance
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Phone Soap UV Light Sanitizing Machine
For my obsessive friends...ITSFWI
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If Karl Popper edited the New York Times - Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social...
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Why is ISIL still trying to Slaughter and Enslave the ancient Yazidi Minority?
"There are many other archaic aspects of the faith that indicate it may be among the world’s oldest and their calendar dates back 6,756 years, nearly 5,000 years further than the Christian or Gregorian calendar and nearly 1,000 years further than the Jewish calendar."
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Hilda and Oak Tree
A few more from our visit to the National Gallery of Victoria and surrounds. The Ai Wei Wei and Warhol exhibit was wonderful.
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Ormond Station
Another one...
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Million to One Shot, Doc
I love statistics…
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10 Reasons Why Drinking Gin Can Actually Be Good for You
I knew it had some redeeming social value.
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The Key to Bernie Sanders's Appeal Isn't Socialism. It's Yiddish Socialism.
I was raised in a family of Yiddish Socialists.
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Join the Coffee Party Movement
Demokrasee in action😡
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Monday, February 15, 2016
Jews Are Still the Biggest Target of Religious Hate Crimes
I guess the War on Christmas is not going well :-)
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xkcd: Degrees
Living this in Melbourne.
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Scalia Was Almost Never The Most Conservative Justice On The Supreme Court
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Let's Not Twist It. My Differences with Scalia Were More Than "Political"
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Sunday, February 14, 2016
This Chart Shows Who Marries CEOs, Doctors, Chefs and Janitors
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Must see: An excellent 5-minute video on the history of photography
Photography as a technology predates the automobile and evolves more rapidly
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At the Sugarloaf Reservoir
A few more from Melbourne
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Talking Heads’ David Byrne explains why Trump voters are ‘seemingly unaware of his lies and...
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How that map you saw on FiveThirtyEight silences minorities, and other reasons to consider a…
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10 American Foods that are Banned in Other Countries
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How much would it cost to buy one of everything on Amazon?
But where could I put it all?
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March Against Monsanto
And they had the balls to con Israel into buying this junk - but at least Israel will be able to use its own electronics. maybe.
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
When Machines Can Do Any Job, What Will Humans Do?
Go to war with other humans?
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Friday, February 12, 2016
The Most Satisfying Video In The World
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Join the Coffee Party Movement
The parties control the result. We live in a 21st century country governed by an 18th century constitution. Something has to give.
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Food & Wine
Works for me.
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Reverb Press
Not sure if this is credible- but it surely is plausible.
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Is our Military-Industrial Complex a Fat Spoiled Brat?
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Ormond Evening
A few more from Melbourne...
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Thursday, February 11, 2016
Want To Live To 107? Drink 4 Bottles Of Wine A Day | VinePair
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Sanders to Colbert: Electing me is a win-win — I’d be president and Bill O’Reilly would leave the US
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Dov Bear
If you think the Trumpeter is dangerous (which I do), consider Cruz!
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016
The rise of Donald Trump is a terrifying moment in American politics
Ted Cruz is just a terrifying.
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Australia - 2016 - Clive Moss
A few pics from a few days in Melbourne...
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Stop saying ’sorry’ if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon
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I Am Not a Kook
The problem with our polarized two party system...
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31 People Who Are Really Nailing This Whole Marriage Thing
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Tuesday, February 09, 2016
Australia - 2016 - Clive Moss
In Melbourne - people and places
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Monday, February 08, 2016
Baby elephant Moyo's an orphan starring in magical new wildlife show
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Sunday, February 07, 2016
Science Just Figured Out Which Religion's Holy Book Is More Violent
Next, we need to see the same analysis applied to the Talmud and similar tomes from Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.
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The Harvard Doctor Changing Nursing Homes Forever
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Guitar Pee Urinal lets you play a guitar solo as you tinkle
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Saturday, February 06, 2016
The world’s most violent cities
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Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder Fears Theorists, Lacking Data, May Succumb to "Wishful Thinking"
It’s hot in Melbourne - so reading is in order…
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Friday, February 05, 2016
IBM Closes Weather Co. Purchase, Names David Kenny New Head Of Watson Platform
IBM is now in the weather business.
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Stew Science: Why You Shouldn't Cook Your Beef All Day
News you can use...
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Marzi on Instagram: “If you have 4 in a row, comment with BINGO! (If you get BLACKOUT you're my...
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Culture - 02/04/2016 | i24news - See beyond
Stephen M. Levin a more grandiose version of your project. Your pics are better, however.
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Iran and Russia in first major falling-out over Syrian war and Assad
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diglloyd: iMac 5K for Stunning Black and White Images
To infuriate those who believe only in paper only in prints on paper.
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Taxi ride volume during Super Bowl key moments
I love data!
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Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Nikon has a patent for a smart watch that emits fragrance | Nikon Rumors
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Don’t hate perky morning people: It might be their DNA’s fault
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After Iowa, both parties are facing hostile takeovers
Both parties have become organizations whose only goal is self-perpetuation.
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Monday, February 01, 2016
Boko Haram in Nigeria kills at least 86, burns children
Just one of the many things that happen in the world with barely a ripple in the press...
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Iowa and New Hampshire haven’t correctly predicted the Presidential nominees in forty years
Some good news tonight😰
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DOVBEAR: Please Let Cruz Lose
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Academic highlight: Birth order and the Justices
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American politics has taken a dangerous turn
The USA electorate is like a dumbbell- equal weights at each end with very little in the middle.
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An analog of the election campaigns.
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Vladimir Putin is impervious to the woes that afflict normal leaders
Sound familiar?
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