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Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Jackie Robinson in 1972: ‘I Cannot Stand and Sing the Anthem; I Cannot Salute the Flag’
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What Kids Wish Their Teachers Knew
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HuffPost Politics
He lies about everything. Why should this be an exception. It's not that he lies. He has no concept of the meaning of truth. Truth is based on reality, from which he is totally disconnected.
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Half the Population Will Click On Random-Ass Links
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Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False
In case you were wondering...
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And this..
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Little Richard
One of my all time favorite pop songs for 50 years. I loved it back then and I still do. I guess my age is showing!
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Eastern Europe - July 2016 - Clive Moss
So all my pix and picks from our last trip to Eastern Europe are now in one sequential file.
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The Presidential Candidates’ Silence About the Arts
Interesting topic. I am ambivalent about government support for the arts. If you want to hear or see it, pay for it. On the other hand, great art is often unpopular in its time. Van Gogh e.g.
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Google Coder Analyzes a Billion Files to Find a Winner in Tabs vs Spaces Debate
For geeks only - I love data...
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The Staggering Evolution of Stop-Motion in Film History
What would Leonardo say?
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Writings from Ancient Egypt (Penguin Classics)
Just bought this. Fascinating...
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New Kosher Argentinian Steakhouse Opening This Week in Chicago: Evita Grill
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I Can't Stop Watching Trucks Crash Into This Low-Ass Bridge
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016
New Suburban Pet Rehab Center Has Underwater Treadmills, Exercise Gym, Massage Therapy
Lisa Moss Karen Moss This is in your future :-)
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Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom" (Official Video)
SA has changed a tad since we left...
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Speak, Memory
Interesting. I have read several of Sack's books. Always worthwhile.
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Facebook’s editorial purge has completely backfired
Does anyone actually look at the Trending Topics box. I always assumed it was click bait and ignored it! In fact I rarely use Facebook as a news source.
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Monday, August 29, 2016
I got: Left Brain: 45% Right Brain: 55%. Left Or Right Brain Test
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This is a note about you
To see something good about yourself, click on this :-)
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Bob Dylan Introduced The Beatles To Marijuana And Changed Music Forever On This Day
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IPads As Effective As Sedatives For Children Before Operations
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Gene Wilder Dead at 83; The Comedian on Gilda Radner, overcoming non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and Judaism
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Sony A7S II cranks the ISO up to 25,600 to record aurora in real-time over Iceland from DJI drone
Try this with film...
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Racism row over South Africa school's alleged hair policy
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
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New Yorkers Will Pay $56 A Month To Trim A Minute Off Their Commute
I still love the subject of my first degree - statistics!
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Sunday, August 28, 2016
Just so you know...
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Why You Should Refrigerate Tomatoes and Ignore Anyone Who Says Otherwise
News you can use...
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The First Photographs of the Earth from the Moon Were Taken 50 Years Ago Today
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Homeless people are an indictment of our failed social support system.
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What’s The Optimal Speed For Exercise?
Walk softly and carry a big stick😉
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Syria’s Paradox: Why the War Only Ever Seems to Get Worse
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Living in L.B.J.’s America
Johnson was one of the most consequential Presidents of the USA.
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A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories
“The Russians are very good at courting everyone who has a grudge with liberal democracy, and that goes from extreme right to extreme left..."
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The Alt-Right Dictionary: 7 terms you need to know to understand Trump’s most hateful supporters
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How Napping Changes Your Brain That Makes You More Creative
I have to try this...
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Dilbert Comic Strip on 2016-08-28 | Dilbert by Scott Adams
The perfect scam...
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Saturday, August 27, 2016
I just scored 10 out of 10
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Guangdong Through the Lens of an Architectural Photographer
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Halsman and Dalí combine for reality-bending portraits over 37-year collaboration
Watch the video. NSFW. Cat lovers may be offended.
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Friday, August 26, 2016
Why I Love Sumo Wrestling :-)
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Mother Jones
That's so easy. He is so full of shit that he is a very easy target.
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Sleep makes relearning faster and longer-lasting
Hmmm… Sleeping during lectures may work even better, based on my recollection.
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Bannon’s baggage is bigger than Breitbart: New Trump CEO’s domestic violence charges resurface along with questions of voter fraud
Trump has a way of picking his minions…
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Facebook Removes Human Curators From Trending Module
What could go wrong? Watch this space...
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Trump's Weirdo Doctor Uses Windows XP, Which Could Be a Violation of HIPAA
Hee Hee... (aka as Stupid is as Stupid does)
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Why Slower Drivers Shouldn't Hang Out In the Left Lane
Hear Hear...
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Groundhog Friday
tRump the tRuthful. And he has the balls (so to speak, but unproven) to claim that his opponents are liars.
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The (Intentional?) Silence of the Republicans
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'The Darkroom' bar for photographers to offer a photo studio, functional darkroom... and booze
Sounds good to me...
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xkcd: Linear Regression
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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Anne Frank Today Is a Syrian Girl
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Too Informed To Vote Republican
Gee - what a surprise. The Trumpeter lies. I am shocked, shocked. 😱🙀🤓
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What Is Your Age Based On How You See Colors?
Me 25?
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The New York Times
😜l was labeled "Very Liberal" and "Republican Party" amongst many other labels.
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The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It’s that, but way way weirder.
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IBM Research opens in South Africa - TechFinancials
Where were they when I needed them 50 years ago?
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Going back to “Graceland”: Revisiting Paul Simon’s fraught and tuneful South African album
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The Great Mexican Wall Deception
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The New York Times
Looks like good advice...
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Crazy & Insane Fights
This could happen to you. Man bites dog.
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So maybe there is some goodness in his candidacy😜
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These 8 human train-wrecks are proof that Donald Trump really doesn’t hire ‘all the best people’
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What the Clinton Foundation does—and why Hillary Clinton should point to it with pride
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Everyone Considering Voting For Donald Trump Should See This Brutal Video.
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Automatically turn a major song into minor and hear how it sounds – The Hooktheory Blog
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Q&A: Faking Normal
Food for thought...
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The Best Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Public service announcement: If you don't have something like this you probably need one.
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God, Parents, You Just Don't Understand What Teens Are Doing on the Internet
"Sorry, Zuck. “Online teens largely experience the online world through their use of smartphones, and their use of Snapchat (66%) and Instagram (65%) now surpasses their use of Facebook (61%).”"
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How I Stop Myself From Eating Too Much At Restaurants
This sounds like a good idea!
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Adrenaclick Is a Cheaper Alternative to the EpiPen
Just in case you need this. The price gougers certainly need competition.
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Nikon's 'Worst' and 'Best' Zoom Lenses Compared
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Making a Meal Out of Peanut Butter and Pickles
"I’ll toast the bread first and spread some unsalted butter on each slice before adding the PB&P." Sounds good to me!
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Archie Andrews, Who Loved Betty and Veronica, Dies at 73
Huh. RIP.
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The march of democracy slows
Since the Greeks came up with the concept Democracy has spread very slowly.
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Donald Trump knows someone who knows how to stop Chicago crime
Like most children, Tump has imaginary friends.
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The People's Voice
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In-person voting fraud is rare, doesn't affect elections
As usual, the Tumpeter gets it wrong. If he keeps talking long enough he will be right sooner or later, based on the thousand monkey theory. “News21, a reporting project affiliated with Arizona State University, in 2012 found 2,068 cases of election fraud nationwide since 2000. Of those, just 10 involved voter impersonation — or one out of every 15 million prospective voters. More common was absentee mail-in ballot fraud, with 491 cases. None affected the outcome of an election.”
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This is How South Florida Ends
Goodbye, Florida.
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Not Even NSA Can Keep Software Exploits Secret - The Mac Observer
Security Principle #1: If you don’t want the whole world to know about it, never put it on a computer.
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Monday, August 22, 2016
ACLU Nationwide
About time!
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Western Journalism
But nobody is giving him the same crap about not putting his hand on his heart like they did to Gabby Douglas! Seems to be a double standard in operation.
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The Rachel Maddow Show
The brain damage from his stroke does not excuse his ramblings. He needs to retire from public office.
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Sunday, August 21, 2016
Jewish Food
"“I know no one ever believes us nowadays – everyone thinks we knew everything,” she said. “We knew nothing, it was all kept well secret.”" At that level - she knew. What a barefaced liar. She is still part of the Nazi propaganda machine.
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Clinton Most Admired Woman for Record 20th Time
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A photographer's diverse, complex portrait of apartheid-era South Africa
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Saturday, August 20, 2016
Amazing Images of Classic Japanese Fart Battles
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Hey Conservatives, Let's Compare Obama And Bush Vacations
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This year’s Hillary Clinton is last year’s Benjamin Netanyahu
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Friday, August 19, 2016
20+ Art History Tweets That Prove Nothing Has Changed In 100s Of Years
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Aaah - the good old days :-)
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Occupy Democrats
tRump showing his usual judgement.
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The Rachel Maddow Show
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Over 30,000 Muslims in the UK Marched Against ISIS — Of Course You Didn't Hear About It
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Thursday, August 18, 2016
Clinical psychologist explains how Ayn Rand helped turn the US into a selfish and greedy nation
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July 2016 Was Earth's Warmest Month on Record -
Things are hotting up…
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This is Your Life in Silicon Valley
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Guy who says God sends natural disasters to punish gays has his home destroyed in a natural disaster – DeadState
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Grouchy's Grumbles
I passed it :-) They do not give grades, unfortunately.
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Fact Checker
"“my administration will not telegraph exactly military plans and what they are.”" That's because the concept of a plan is way beyond his comprehension. Plan are for losers. Winners win.
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Driving Tips: How You Can Help Limit Traffic Jams
"Thanks to a formula worked out by a British mathematician, we know it is about two and a half feet in front and the same in back for a typical sedan." Nonsense - I have photographs to prove that 12" front and back can be done.
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Out of sync with the sun...
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Forgotten Camera Bag Gets Blown Up by Bomb Squad in Kansas City
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Join the Coffee Party Movement
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Monday, August 15, 2016
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Squirrel Steals GoPro, Accidentally Takes Us On A Beautiful Tour Of The Trees
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South Africa’s skewed income distribution when measured by race
It’s not getting better…
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12 Signs You Grew Up Jewish in Chicago
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Saturday, August 13, 2016
We might not have to bail out the banks again, says real-life “Big Short” investor Steve Eisman
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BuzzFeed on Twitter
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The Economist
It is difficult to reconcile tRumps ideas on anything with the facts.
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How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’
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Trump Spokesperson Says Obama Invaded Afghanistan. He Didn't.
Just in case you did not know...
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Friday, August 12, 2016
Why Teachers, Parents, and Society at Large Have Destroyed Kids’ Love of Learning
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Hostess launches 'Deep Fried Twinkies' as first frozen treat
Food for tRump? This is about his level.
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In the Phonetic Jungle – Lingua Franca - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
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Meet the worst ants in the world
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DrawMyData lets you plot points manually and then download the data
This could be invaluable in generating scientific advances or validating new economic theories.
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Thursday, August 11, 2016
Trump's Violent Insinuations Smack Of Nazi Propaganda
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Watch What Happens When You Try to Steal a Rolls Royce's Hood Ornament
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Secure Boot snafu: Microsoft leaks backdoor key, firmware flung wide open
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No, Obama did not found ISIL, Mr. Trump: That was the GOP
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Trump tweets from Android vs. iPhone, an angry difference
I love statistics 😬
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Hillary Clinton Is One of the Most Ethical (and Most Lied About) Political Leaders in America | BNR
For those who equate Clinton with Trump - get some balance in your life.
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Passwords Are on the Way Out, and It's about Time
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Research Casts Doubt on the Value of Acupuncture
"not the enduring bit of ancient Chinese wisdom enthusiasts supposed. In fact, the procedure had been written off as superstition back in the 1600s and abandoned altogether in favor of a more science-based approach to healing by the 1800s."
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Trump Backers’ Anti-Semitic Taunts and Threats - AJT
"...the words of Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, who had died that very day: “Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
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This Tweetstorm Explains Perfectly Why Donald Trump’s Assasination Joke Was So Dangerous
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Michael Phelps Tied A 2,168-Year-Old Olympic Record
The Good Old Days When Games were Really Games.
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Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Donald Trump reveals his economic plan for the really rich
The scary thing is that he has a non-zero chance of being elected, and that over 40% of the population will vote for him. I just don't get it.
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Watch Donald Trump make the case against himself
This is brilliant. If you still want to vote for this asshole after watching this, please unfriend me.
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Scott Adams' Blog
Scott Adams nails it again.
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The Atlantic
Math is among the many things that are not among his strong points. Reduce tax taxes, increase spending and balance the budget?
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Your Non-Partisan Guide To Voting For Biblical Values
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Monday, August 08, 2016
The 39th Root of 92 | bit-player
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The Atlantic
Very interesting essay. Reads like a plot outline for a play!
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Sunday, August 07, 2016
xkcd: Time Travel Thesis
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Despotism or model democracy - South Africa could now go either way
Let's hope it moves in the positive direction.
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If they make it retrospective it could pose a problem for most people. There would also be no legal candidates for President! Recent immigrant citizens like me will be fine😬
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Drone Defense Has One Problem
"If the job was fun the company would charge you a fee for letting you do it" Economics 101
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Saturday, August 06, 2016
Tiny Stray Dog Finds Her Human When She Joins Him For 77 Miles In Race
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America's Shadow: The Real Secret of Donald J. Trump
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How moderate Republicans rebelled against the far-right in Kansas
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Thursday, August 04, 2016
The Atlantic
Good move🤓
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Wednesday, August 03, 2016
Nash Turns 100 Today: Here's Six Reasons Why It May Be The Most Influential Car Company Ever
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Myth of Militant Islam: Why Most Syrian Young men are Refusing to Join ISIL
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Small percentage of Americans actually picked Clinton and Trump
Interesting presentation.
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Tuesday, August 02, 2016
This is how fascism comes to America
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This is how fascism comes to America
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Monday, August 01, 2016
So Many Australians Are Claiming 'Jedi' as Their Religion That It's Becoming a Problem
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So Many Australians Are Claiming 'Jedi' as Their Religion That It's Becoming a Problem
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Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False
The other 9% are statements like "Good Morning"
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The Path to Prosperity Is Blue
"we should remember that the key drivers of growth are science, education and innovation, not low taxes, lax regulations or greater exploitation of natural resources."
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Willies Media LLC
The problem is that he has a mental illness and is trying to win.
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American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US
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Van Jones: ‘White Christian men commit most mass shootings, so why not racially profile them?’ – DeadState
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Worthy of Our Contempt
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An Open Letter to My Friends Who Support Donald Trump
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