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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Theatre of late

In the past few weeks we have seen three good/excellent plays.

"To The Green Fields Beyond" by Nick Whitby was far and away the best of the bunch. It is an eloquent and moving anti-war attack set in the context of the tank warfare of World War I.

"The Story" by Tracey Scott Wilson is well produced acted, but the story did not capture my attention in the same way as the other two plays. It was a tad slick and glib. It raised issues, but skirted around them.

"The Subject Was Roses" by Frank Gilroy is a powerful family drama that brought to my mind the English "kitchen sink drama" movement that emerged when I was in my teens (see -- I have not yet lost my memory). Strong stuff. The venue - the Writer's Theatre at the back of the bookstore "Books on Vernon" in Glencoe - is tiny. Only three rows of seats. Made us feel we were actually in the kitchen.

The quality of theatre in Chicago continues to surprise me. On Tuesday night we are off the see "Kabuki Lady Macbeth". Report to follow.

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