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Thursday, August 26, 2010

I don't often see miracles, but...

Hilda's old G5 iMac was misbehaving -- badly. It often died when sleeping. (We can only do it once, but computers can be re-booted after death.) It could not connect to the web over a wired Ethernet connection, but worked (sometimes) over WiFi.

So, I decided to start from scratch. Easy decision, given enough time.

I updated the SuperDuper back-up. All of our data files are also up on Dropbox (somewhere in the cloud) so we have at least three copies of everything. I ran an install from the DVD that was shipped with the system, which wiped the internal hard drive. No problem ... 

...until it tried to use the 2nd disk. It was unreadable. Install stopped after 30 minutes, with a high-falutin version of "OOPS" as its message. I tried some later  versions of OS X - no go - the machine is the last of the G5s - not an Intel processor. So, being of unsound mind, I decided that I could make a copy of Disk 2 on my other  iMac. I have an external DVD drive in addition to the one that is built in.

First try -- not enough space on target drive. OK -- what's on the source?  Almost nothing except OS 9, says Finder. Do this magic using Terminal :

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

killall Finder

Find all the stuff that is not OS 9 (9 is X-1) and copy it to a new DVD disc. Worked! Used the new DVD to complete the install on the iMac. Worked.

Tried to get on the 'Net. No go. Putzed around with the settings on the 2Wire modem supplied by my ISP - ATT U-verse. No way to get on the 'Net - neither Ethernet not WiFi.

Reset some stuff on the 2Wire modem that was designated as "Don't do this unless you are asked to by tech support."  I spoke to myself (what I tend to do at this stage) and asked myself to do it (I am my own tech support). Got online. Went through several update cycles to get current versions of everything. Installed the stuff we really need - Dropbox, Skype, NeoOffice. etc.

Fired up iTunes.

Here is the miracle:

Jacob (my grandchild)  is approaching his bar mitzvah.  iTunes had his barmitzvah portion and Rabbi Frankel's rendition of the related brachas already set up. Where the @##$$% did it find it? Easy answer - on Dropbox - but who told iTunes it was there? Not me!

More miracles may be reported here. 

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