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Sunday, July 31, 2005

PAW (Picture a week) - Julia at Summer Camp

I have caught up at last! Click on the image to see it larger. If you want to see my cumulative efforts for 2005..Click here

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Olympia DualPhone for Skype

Do you want to use Skype like a normal telephone? I have a telephone like handset that plugs into a soundboard that works pretty well, but it has a short cord and no wireless capability. For a better way, look at this.
Olympia DualPhone for Skype reviewed - Engadget -
And here is another way of doing it for only $69.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My China trip pictures have been uploaded...

... to smugmug. At last I have finished editing the images from our China and Tibet trip. We had a wonderful time, and we can heartily recommend Overseas Adventure Travel as a tour company. If you have never visited China - go now if you can.
This picture was taken at the Sera Monastery in Tibet -- probably the most exotic location I shall ever visit. The whole Monastery has changed very little in past several hundred years -- with the exception of the monks' shoes.