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Friday, February 25, 2011

Glenn Beck always fabricates and lies, sometimes apologizes

Friday, February 11, 2011

History of revolutions is not encouraging

While everyone is cheering the fall of Mubarak, one should consider that many earlier revolutions have had disastrous near term results. The mother of all revolutions - the French Revolution (triggered by the Age of Enlightenment) - resulted in the reign of terror and decades of warfare and revolution in Europe. The Russian Revolution resulted in about a hundred years of oppression of the Russian and other people. The Iranian Revolution has resulted in ongoing oppression of the Iranian people. The liberation of African and South American colonies mostly resulted in African Democracy - One Man, One Vote, One Time. Some successes, to be sure, but mostly failures. The American Revolution worked for the people of the original 13 Colonies - maybe the only example that worked for the people concerned.

The outcome of the likely wave of revolutions in Muslim North Africa and the Near and Middle East is uncertain. I hope that they will be more peaceful and Democratic than their predecessors in Europe, Africa, and South America. I am not optimistic. ---
Clive - on my iPhone - pardon autocorrect induced typos.

Posted via email from chmoss's posterous

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Laundry Room

This morning we decided to check out the laundry facility in our condo. The sign on the door said "To open -- use recreation room key." We identified three keys with no known use from the bunch were given, and tried to find the keyhole. No luck. No keyhole could be found. We decided to take a walk to St. Armands for breakfast and check the door later when maybe someone was in the laundry room to show us how to open the door. After a great walk and a wonderful breakfast we returned to find the door still closed with nobody in sight. We tried moving all the little signs to see if the keyhole was possibly hidden behind one of them. No luck. As a last resort, I tried turning the doorknob. Wonder of wonders, it opened. It is hard to be literate.

Posted via email from chmoss's posterous