Watch what I do on Facebook


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This blog is back

The demise of this blog was prematurely announced by myself. Its back!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shouting in the crowd - A quick guide to social media

Tweeting is like standing in a large square packed with people, all shouting loudly and hoping that someone will reply to them, or at least hear their message and pass it on. Some of the shouting is advertising.

Blogging is like standing in a large square populated by speakers on soapboxes and shouting your story, hoping to attract a crowd, possibly from a nearby blogger. You make  deals with some of your fellow speakers to send some of your crowd over to them. Some of the soapboxes are plastered with ads, for which the speaker gets paid.

Google+ is like much like blogging, but the speakers cluster closer together so that they can hear and respond to each other, and their crowds overlap and chat with each other. The speakers do not get paid for any advertising.

Facebook is like sitting in your living room chatting with friends and family. Most people present are not really interested in what the others say, but listen politely and occasionally respond. You are not sure who some of the people in the room are, or why they are there. You may think the conversations are private, but your friends can take notes and tell their friends. Oddly enough, your walls are plastered with ads, for which you do not get paid.

Email is like leaving a notes in your friends' mailboxes mailboxes. You feel offended if they do not respond.

Texting is like attaching a note to a rock and throwing at your friend's house

Monday, October 17, 2011

Moving on...

Technology has moved on. Thus, so have I. From now on, you can find what I would have blogged here on Google+, at
this address:

If this does not work for me, I will be back here soon :-)