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Friday, May 30, 2014

A grieving father is asking Americans to do this one thing

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How to Tell Someone's Age When All You Know Is Her Name

Some names here that you will recognize.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Joe The Plumber: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump My Constitutional Rights' To Have Guns


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Molecular halal testing has turned up pig DNA in Cadbury’s chocolate

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'Pneumonia front' moving in, temps could drop 20 degrees

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A Lesson in Listening from John Cage

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Where the Heart Beats: John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the Inner Life of Artists

Wow! ‘When you have a solution, turn around and let me see it.’ I did that. He then said: ‘Now another solution, please.’ I gave another and another until finally, having made seven or eight, I reflected a moment and then said with some certainty: ‘There aren’t any more solutions.’ He said: ‘OK. What is the principle underlying all of these solutions?’ I couldn’t answer his question;

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Heavy-metal music is a surprising indicator of countries’ economic health

Kimmi Themetaldeli Rudolph Who knew?

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10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down | Mother Jones

If you work for a gun maker and your livelihood depends on more guns, I get support of the NRA. If not, you are crazy. No BS about the Constitution -- unless you are a member of a well-regulated militia.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Christopher Michael-Martinez’s Father Gets It Right about Guns

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Religious but not spiritual

Worth a read and some thought...

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All The Most Epic Moments In Your Favorite Movies Ruined By Science Facts. Because Science Is Real.

Sorry to ruin the science of science fiction...

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Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy?

Food for contemplation ... also, the only TED talk I have ever seen in which the speaker uses notes!

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stunning Photo Series Highlights The Beauty Of Black Dogs That Are Often Overlooked In Adoption

The power of the relationship between dogs and people is hard to explain. I can't remember a time time without a dog in my life.

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Why I stay up so late...

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Does Photo Gear Matter?

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spouses Tend To Have Similar DNA | I Fucking Love Science

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Why You Need Olive Oil On Your Salad

Good to know...

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Walmart Files Suit Against Photographer's Widow - PPA Today

The Waltons continue to demonstrate how evil they are. How do they sleep with themselves (or each other)?

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5 ways privatization is fleecing American taxpayers

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A Dude Trying To Ban Abortions Is Asked A Question He Never Considered. It's So Obvious It Hurts.


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What Television Will Look Like in 2025, According to Netflix | Business | WIRED

So its back to the good old days -- instead of choosing from a few channels whose owners decide what you want to see, it will be a few distributors whose owners decide what you want to see.

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Why Do People Persist in Believing Things That Just Aren't True?

Good question.

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Register for SpotHero Account

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Patently obvious: Stephen Colbert ridicules Amazon patent for using photography gear as designed

How far the patent system has declined since Albert Einstein was a patent examiner. We need to re-examine the criteria used to hire our "patent examiners". Even Congressmen may be smarter!

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

War Criminal Cheney Demands Hillary Be Punished For Benghazi Terrorist Attack (VIDEO)

"House Republicans were warned by Hillary Clinton that embassy security funding cuts would pose a danger to Americans serving in diplomatic posts overseas and they still slashed it anyway. With the GOP cuts in place, terrorists killed Americans in Benghazi and now Republicans have been trying to blame the Obama Administration for it ever since. " Why does he just not go back to shooting his friends?

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Only Suckers Abide by Food Expiration Dates

That's what I always thought. OTOH much of our political commentary should come with a " Best before the Middle Ages" label.

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Vivian Maier, the lawsuit

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

How Medical Jokes Work on Facebook, for the Facebook Jokers

" may be difficult to know if doctors think doctor jokes are funny" Social media will provide grist for the academic mill for the foreseeable future - and beyond. Ph.D. in Facebook, anybody?

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Don't Argue With Idiots

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A Guy Hung An Offensive Sign Around His Neck To Make A Solid Point. And … It Worked.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

#BringBackOurGirls Twitter Heatmap | CQ Roll Call Connectivity

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Has The End Of The Banana Arrived?

Evolution happens. It's not always good.

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The Trick That Makes Google's Self-Driving Cars Work

Very cool...

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Karen Moss

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Twitter Hilariously Responds To Ann Coulter Mocking Nigerian Girl Hashtag Campaign (IMAGES)

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Rock 'n Bowl May 10 2014 - Clive

A few more from Rock 'n Bowl by special request - Jacob Bokor Kimmi Rudolph Lisa Moss Mike Nuke Rudolph Robyn-Lee Novick Rabin

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

xkcd: One Of The

Not hedging - just not doing their homework.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

This is what a holy shit moment for global warming looks like

I guess that Congress can just pass a resolution that it will not happen. That will work about as well as everything else they do.

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Fire Safety Petition | State Representative Sara Feigenholtz - Illinois' 12th District

The Unions are sponsoring a movement to get all Chicago high-rises retrofitted for sprinkler systems to solve a problem that does not exists. High rise fire fatalities are rare. The cost of retrofitting will be enormous for the unit owners. The Pipefitters and Plumbers will get much more work, and more firefighters will be needed to perform all the required inspections. If you live in Illinois, please sign the petition.

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

NYT Science Editor: Race Is Real

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South African Army Called In to Crack Down on Post-Election Unrest -

About a mile from our old home in South Africa...

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The Most Fab And Drab Celebrity Outfits Of The Week

Celebrities? I have only ever heard of two of them and I have no idea what for what any of celebrated!

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School Of Rock May 2014 - Clive

Rushes from today's show Lisa Moss Jacob Bokor Mike Nuke Rudolph Kimmi Rudolph Robyn-Lee Novick Rabin Hilda Moss. Stills to come later. I am tired.

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Friday, May 09, 2014


A good way of thinking about it.

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Dilbert comic strip for 05/09/2014 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.


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Thursday, May 08, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to The Press Release….or How I Learned to Love Adobe Voice

Very cool new app from Adobe. This could become the new normal.

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Tuesday, May 06, 2014

On Israel’s 66th Independence Day, an urgent question for liberal Jews - The Jewish Thinker

It's a problem. I am "liberal" but not to the point of self-destruction. A democratic one state solution will result in the long run in the end of Israel as we now understand it. Until all the states surrounding and opposing Israel become real democracies rather than dictatorships or Islamic theocracies, Israel cannot afford real democracy. Democracy is a good idea - given the right circumstances. Self destruction may feel good, but is a bad strategy.

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How to get stuff done: Make your lists short and strategic

Wise words.

See: Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT | Read The New York Times’ Coverage of the Proclamation of the State of Israel by

Notice the reaction of the peace-loving neighbours.

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A 1-Minute Experiment To Show Men Something Women Experience Every Day

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Monday, May 05, 2014

Amazon Patent Shows Common Seamless Background Lighting Technique

The patent system is completely broken if this can get approved through the process. I think I will patent sentences that include a subject, a verb, and an object in any sequence.

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Sunday, May 04, 2014

I need to learn Mandarin

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Friday, May 02, 2014

A Galactic Cannonball is Heading Right For Us. So, um, Duck?

...and people worry about global warming!

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Travel Time

Great look at what's close by!

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Thursday, May 01, 2014

Costco Shopping Advice Winners and Losers - Consumer Reports News – Consumer Reports News

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Here’s why we may never find alien life

And when we do find them, or they find us, it is unlikely that communication will be possible. We can't even understand porpoises!

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Dick Cheney just can't help himself

Unbelievable. He must be on better drugs than I can buy.

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'I strongly doubt it has ever happened before'

Maybe we need senility and IQ testing for the Supreme Court justices.

See: Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT | Happy May Day! by

Workers of the world, unite. I did not know of the Chicago connection.

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The absolute worst bet you can make in Vegas - Follow The Money

For those of you who wish to lose as little as possible...

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Manicures and cancer: what you need to know

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