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Saturday, January 31, 2015

'The Daily Show' Hilariously Explains Why Republicans And Democrats Can't Date (VIDEO)

Nails it.

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Chicago area headed for major snow spread over 30-36 hours and driven by strong winds

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Missouri state rep. proposes law requiring customers to show ID with Apple Pay

“Missouri lawmaker has proposed a new law that would require shoppers to pull out a photo ID and prove they truly are who they say they are before they will be allowed to continue with the process of scanning their unique fingerprint”

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Historical Exodus -

Interesting - The Historical Exodus -

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At the Children's Museum

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A Blizzard of Privilege

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Israel Project

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Argentinian Journalist Covering Alberto Nisman Death Flees to Israel

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Study Finds that Professionally Captured Photos Are More Memorable Than Amateur Ones

I am shocked, shocked...

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He Shows Side-By-Side Photos To Jon Stewart And Asks Him To Guess The Country. Mind-Blowing? Yes.

At last - an African to represent me on a real news program :-)

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Here's How To Not Be A Terrible, Horrible Book Club Member, In 19 Easy Steps

Judy Levin

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Fascinating if you live in Chicago - and a tribute to how far home movie technology has come! An iPhone this bad would be laughed off the market.

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669 Jewish Children Were Saved From The Holocaust By A Single Man. This Is How They Thanked Him.

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Takes Money To Make Money

He He.

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An Open Letter to the New Saudi King

Cuba is worse than this lunatic assembly? "Let us begin with your appointment of Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef as second in line for the throne, after the 69-year-old Crown Prince Muqrin bin Abdul-Aziz. Since King Abdullah’s health began to fail in 2010, Bin Nayef, now a relatively young 55, has grown in power. And in his capacity as minister of interior, which gives him control of Saudi Arabia’s law enforcement, courts and prisons, he has given us a glimpse of a future kingdom under his rule: a police state reminiscent of Bashar Assad’s Syria and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The more that King Abdullah’s health declined and the more frequent his treatments abroad became, the higher the number of people being threatened and imprisoned by the Ministry of Interior"

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Monday, January 26, 2015

How governments balance their budgets.

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'Poorest President In The World' Gives Hitchhiking Plant Worker The Ride Of A Lifetime (VIDEO)

Very cool guy.

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A Simple Derivative Problem - Spiked Math


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For Jews in France, 2015 Isn't the 1930s

"The existence of the State of Israel is a reason to stay in Europe, not flee it"

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Chemists have figured out how to ‘unboil’ an egg

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Sheldon Silver to Temporarily Relinquish Speaker Duties

Another one bites the dust. Will politicians become a majority in prisons as marihuana becomes legalized?

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Why is Congruence Hard to Learn? | Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

I know you never asked, but you should have.

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Underwater Photographer Captures a Sperm Whale 'Poopsplosion'

Oh shit!

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Metrocard purchasing workflows compared

Good design is not always obvious.

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

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Why the Arabs are being humiliated in the world - Kuwaiti Imam

Note that he delivers his message sitting.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

America’s new aristocracy

Education and class: America’s new aristocracy | The Economist "The solution is not to discourage rich people from investing in their children, but to do a lot more to help clever kids who failed to pick posh parents."

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Ex-CEO Runs Target Into The Ground, Gets More In Severance Than All 17,600 Laid-Off Target...


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Bill O'Reilly Lies About Minimum Wage, Claims Only A Few Would Benefit From A Raise (VIDEO)

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Boorish Billionaire Says Lazy, Entitled US Workers 'Need' To Start Having 'Less Things In Life'

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Fox News Medical Expert Epically Lashes Out At Anti-Vaxxers For Causing Outbreaks Of Previously...

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That Time Badass Feminist Queen Elizabeth Gave Saudi Arabia's King A Lesson in Power

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WATCH: Pilot Transfer in Heavy Seas from BP Oil Tanker

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All Hell Breaks Loose On Ted Cruz's FB Page As Conservatives Go On The Attack -

Net neutrality should not be a partisan issue. Only the pols who have been bought are against it.

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Speaker John Boehner may be guilty of treason

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Bernie Sanders Got Republicans To Make His Argument For Universal Health Care

The only sane member of both houses.

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Amazon to start collecting Illinois sales tax

That's how it should always have been.

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Disgusting: 16 States Now Have More People In Prisons Than College Housing

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Iran Sanctions Supporters Don't Want To Improve Nuclear Talks. They Want To Destroy Them.

"The Republican freshman congressman-turned-freshman senator from Arkansas opened up while speaking to a conference at the Heritage Foundation on Jan. 15. In previously overlooked remarks, he had this to say about congressional proposals to threaten Iran with new sanctions: "Certain voices call for congressional restraint urging Congress not to act now, lest Iran walk away from the negotiating table, undermining the fabled yet always absent moderates in Iran. But the end of these negotiations isn't an unintended consequence of congressional action. It is very much an intended consequence -- a feature, not a bug." "

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

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Argentine President Now Says Prosecutor’s Death Was Not a Suicide

Argentine President Now Says Prosecutor’s Death Was Not a Suicide. Our politics rarely sink this low.

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Our Technology May Be New, But Our Fear Of It Is Ancient

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Head-On Collision: Photography Legends Test Drive Google Glass - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News -...

Head-On Collision: Photography Legends Test Drive Google Glass - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

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The World’s Next Country

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Your Drunk Aunt Was Right: The Hot Toddy Is The Cure To The Common Cold | VinePair

Worked for me. I passed a college final because of a hot toddy.

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Tommy Caldwell Climbing Pitch 15 of The Dawn Wall

You think this is hard? Try getting Boehner to smile while Obama is speaking.

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One Guy Playing 'Fur Elise' On Five Guitars

Just because it is hard does not mean it is good. If it's not worth doing it's not worth doing well.

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Anthropologist Seeks the Roots of Terrorism

"It depends on the poll, but 7–14% of Muslims worldwide supported the Al Qaeda strike against the United States. If something like that support the Islamic State, that’s a lot of people, [over 100] million." This is the core of the problem.

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Reuben French Fries

Yum. Eat this and pretend ISIS does not exist.

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What It's Like Living Aboard a Luxury Cruise Ship

Not so crazy. Beats a retirement home!

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The Supreme Court Is Going To Decide if Judges in 30 States Can Solicit Campaign Cash

The other two branches of government can be legally bribed - why should the judiciary be left out?

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Jon Stewart Calls Out Mike Huckabee... To His Face

This is how book tour interviews should go. Huckabee would be scary as President - but he does have a sense of humor.

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Dough porn.

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Survey says security products waste our time

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It's Official: 2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record

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Prosecutor in Argentina Bombing Inquiry Is Found Dead

Prosecutor in Argentina Bombing Inquiry Is Found Dead

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

I Went Home to See My Dad — and Ended Up in Jail Myself

Another "friend" of the USA with a terrible human rights record - but we still treat Cuba as an enemy!

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Does Going to Synagogue Make You Healthier?

I hope so.

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Ava notices the camera

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A New Study Suggests That People Who Don't Drink Alcohol Are More Likely To Die Young

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The Million Merkel March

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Bruce Lindner

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Cable Companies, Beware: This Town Is Taking You On, And Others Are Taking Notice

The US Internet is a slow embarrassment thanks to companies that want to sell you bundles of TV channels that you don't want.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Talmudic Revolution | Jewschool

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MacPerformanceGuide: Newfangled Popup Password Dialogs Defeat Password Managers

I thought it was only me that had noticed this...

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Here are Graphs Showing Camera Trends On Flickr Over the Past Two Years

Interesting for camera geeks only

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Nighttime Photos of NYC Captured Out of the Open Door of a Helicopter at 7500 Feet

Not for any money in the world would I do this, but I am happy that he did!

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Dilbert comic strip for 01/13/2015 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.

Been there, done that...

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Mapped history of how Native American land was taken

A graphic illustration of how a band of illegal immigrants became the United States of America.

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Why Europe Has Trouble Fighting Anti-Semitism

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Monday, January 12, 2015

Bruce Lindner

From my favorite coffee truck owner (I wish that I lived in his locale)

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Why Europe Has Trouble Fighting Anti-Semitism

Money quote: "Anti-Semitism has historically coexisted with Jewish flourishing, often because of, not despite, Jewish integration into the establishment."

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WATCH: Here's how eyes evolved 500 million years ago

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John Lennon's "Imagine," Made Into A Comic Strip

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GOTCHA: Sarah Palin Invited To Speak At World’s Oldest Running Debate Society

This I gotta watch!

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ISIS Supporters Hijack U.S. Central Command’s Twitter Account (IMAGES)


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British Prime Minister: 'I Choked On My Porridge' After Fox News Comments

Fox News - an oxymoron. It is safe to say that, because they don't understand what it means. If you watch and believe them, look it up.

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Obama Is Infuriating Conservatives By Endorsing Republican Ideas -

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UN Human Rights Council member Saudi Arabia to flog right activist Raif Badawi with 1,000 lashes

But Saudi Arabia is our ally and we should not do have any dealing with Cuba. Another one for the GMAFB file.

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The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a...

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Man Proudly "Open Carrying" New Pistol Is Robbed Of It At - Wait For It - Gunpoint -

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Text - H.R.5893 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): To restore the First Amendment Rights of...

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Saudi Prince Doesn't See $100 Per Barrel For Oil Ever Happening Again

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Suicide attack at Lebanese cafe kills at least seven

News that did not make the headlines ...

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Religion Is Not the Enemy

"The problem with such arguments is that the ranks of the religious inconveniently include people who have done great good for humankind. " Of course. However, Rushdie is not talking about "the ranks of the religious" - he is talking about a "form of unreason." There are many nonreligious forms of unreason. Party partisanship in the USA comes to mind. Antisemitism, Communism, and most -isms come to mind. One could argue that antisemites like Wagner have done great good for mankind. One could argue that politicians of both USA persuasions have done great good for humankind. Religion specifically is not the threat. it is "unreason combined with modern weaponry" that is the enemy. Religion has historically been included in that category - but the fact there are other forms of unreason all around us does not absolve religion of its responsibility.

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Waiter Cuts A Steak With Astonishing Speed

Gotta try this with my brisket!

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How Brazilians Fish For Piranhas

Been there, done that... but with a smaller piece of meat on a line. Hilda caught one - I caught nothing. Sharks are scary. Piranhas - not so much.

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When Will the North Face Its Racism?

Wise words.

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Why elephants never forget - Alex Gendler

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46 examples of Muslim outrage about Paris shooting that Fox News can’t seem to find

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

#OpCharlieHebdo: Anonymous Vows To Avenge Charlie Hebdo (VIDEO)

Technology vs religion. Technology will win.

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Skip Your Annual Physical


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Surprising reasons bosses keep office bullies around

They got this wrong, completely. People that respect and value hierarchical structure treat their "underlings" like crap, and are obsequious to to "superiors." I have observed this on multiple continents and over multiple decades in many corporate environments. The managers do not see them as jerks. They think it is the way things should be. Apply this to US politics, and it explains a lot.

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Islam in Europe

Perceptions and reality are often misaligned. I suspect that if a similar survey of perceptions of the Jewish population in Europe were taken, it would be similarly skewed.

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Mitt Romney Says He’s Considering a 2016 Presidential Run

...and his "donors" will next set up fraudulent 401(c) corporations so they can funnel money to him that he will return to them as tax cuts targeted at them. As a bonus, they get to cry "foul" when the IRS investigates them. What could go wrong?

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Female terrorist skips overnight from Paris to Syria

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Let's talk about the other dead journalists

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A completely reasonable-sounding statement with which I strongly disagree - Statistical...

Right on...

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You Know Exactly What These 6 Country Songs Have In Common


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Three Right-Wing Extremists Charged With Domestic Terrorism And Fox Ignores It

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'Burned to the ground': Boko Haram razes at least 16 Nigerian villages | Al Jazeera America

"While covering the Paris Massacre, we weren't shown that Boko Haram burned 16 villages to the ground and killed 2000+ people...." Luis Gottardi And almost no mention of the bombing of an NAACP office in Denver,

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I just bought: 'Amazon Echo' by Amazon

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Friday, January 09, 2015

Obama Announces Plan to Pay for Community College

Not the greatest idea. Without stringent academic level requirements for entry and focus on useable skills for courses taken it will be a huge waste of money and teaching resources. The last thing we need to fund is more C+ liberal arts graduates.

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United Replaces Unionized Baggage Handlers With Minimum Wage Contractors, Things Instantly Fall...

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10 Health Benefits of Whiskey - The Luxury Spot

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(no title)

The Jan 8 segment has some wise thinking on America’s economic woes. (Hint - Republicans won’t like it)

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Nikon 1200-1700mm Helps French Photogs Capture Hostage Situation from a Safe Distance

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Get the New Skinny on Dietary Fat

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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Anonymous Balding White Man Sought In Wake Of Colorado Springs NAACP Office Bombing

What you may have missed on Fox…

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Why Is Gay Porn So Popular in Pakistan?

Same reason that porn is so popular in the conservative south in the USA.

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2014 Was A Glorious Year For TV News Bloopers

My apologies for saying that watching TV was a waste of time.

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Live From Yosemite's El Capitan: Photographer Captures Attempt at History-Making Climb

I always wondered how the photos got pictures of adventurers in odd locations

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WATCH: The danger of science denial

Words of wisdom

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Has Technology Killed the Jewelry Industry?

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Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

This Chart Shows What Names Are More Likely To Be Held By 37 Professions (IMAGE)

So, I have two librarians and a soldier in my grandchildren :-)

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Mysterious Found Footage Offers a Rare Glimpse of 1940s Chicago

Aaah, the good old days. Wait - I lived in Port Elizabeth back then!

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Ama Juda eAfrika?

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Tight Control Of Type 1 Diabetes Saves Lives, But It's Tough

My father was totally dependent on Insulin injections from his 20s until he died in his 70s. The only testing technology he had was based on a bunsen burner and test tubes.

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Setting The Record Straight For Alan Turing

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The First New York Jews - My Jewish Learning

"Jews tended to be Whigs and supported the Revolution" Viva la Revolution!

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Disassembling The Incredibly Intricate Rolex Submariner

I guess nobody told them about integrated circuits!

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Craig Ferguson: A Late Night Revolutionary


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Monday, January 05, 2015

Fox Fraud: Upper Management Likely Ordered Fraudulent Editing Of Audio Used In 'Kill A Cop' Story

So, Fox watchers, how was this reported on Fox?

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Where Islamic State gets its money

The Economist explains: Where Islamic State gets its money | The Economist

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Dad Calls Cops to Watch Him Spank 12-Year-Old Daughter

"Stephen has personally overseen about a dozen such paddlin' incidents" - Seems like an indictment for kiddie porn is in order.

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Climbers Reach Midpoint on the World's Hardest Free Climb


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It's only January, but this will probably be the most terrifying chart you see all year

Cold comfort...

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Next year in Tel Aviv!

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The #1 reason people die early, in each country

News to confuse. Not sure what to make of it, but interesting nonetheless.

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Playing Dumb on Climate Change

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The case for eating steak and cream

Thought for food...

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Friday, January 02, 2015

Thursday, January 01, 2015

The onrushing wave

"Recreational Therapist"? I am sure that there is another word for that.

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Einstein's Credo: Here's what Einstein believed in

Thoughts worth thinking...

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The Secret to Raising Smart Kids

I find the best stuff while waiting for Hilda at the mall.

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How to speak so that people want to listen

Works to walk by...

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Language Log » Creative overnegation

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The Best Worst Quotes of 2014

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The New Year tradition with a dark history

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