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Sunday, August 26, 2007

We went to Michigan City for a week with the family

We went to Michigan City for a week with the family. Of course, Michigan City is in Indiana, not Michigan. It is also a place for a Hawaii like vacation 60 miles from chicago. Weird.
This is what sunsets look like - the Chicago skyline from a straight line distance of about 40 miles.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I have moved my website to .mac and my blog to blogspot

Please let me know if something stops working. All went smoothly, I think. The biggest glitch was when I discovered that .mac does not accept FTP connections. The switch from a black background to white is intentional.

Downtown at last

After a week of dealing with the Social Security Administration and the IRS, we spent a great day downtown. Click on the picture to see a slideshow.