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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Donald Trump is a pathological creep

This is insulting to pathological creeps.
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The Real Plot Against America

"Last November, before a national television audience, Trump said of Putin, “I got to know him very well.” And Wednesday, Trump said, “I never met Putin.” That was a standard Trump lie, on one end or the other. But even Putin couldn’t fathom that Trump really will say " tRump and the tRuth have never met. And yet he still has a chance of being President. Incomprehensible.
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Why Can't You Believe Hillary Clinton Is Inherently Honest?

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Russian & Iranian Press deplore Hillary Clinton Hawkishness; Israelis complain she's Dove

A view from the outside...
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Newly Empowered Farmers Ruined by South Africa's Drought

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Dilbert Comic Strip on 2016-07-31 | Dilbert by Scott Adams

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These are unsettling times that require a steady hand: That's not Donald Trump.

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: A Culture Without Fear

"Wetiko" : A word I did not know I needed. πŸ€”πŸ‘
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6 Illustrations That Show What It’s Like in an Introvert’s Head

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A Modern Surrealist Painter Picks Up Where DalΓ­ Left Off | The Creators Project

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Stephen Hawking Angers Trump Supporters with Baffling Array of Long Words - The New Yorker

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Let Me Remind You Fuckers Who I Am

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Should You Be Screened for Melanoma?

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Ethicists say voting with your heart, regardless of the consequences, is actually immoral

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Monday, July 25, 2016

U.S. Department of State: Consular Affairs

We are leaving Prague at 7:30am tomorrow πŸ˜‹
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See: Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Join the Coffee Party Movement

"The Republicans abandoned compromise, which is essential in a democracy"
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Monkeys With Smaller Testicles Scream Louder to Compensate, Study Finds

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This Speech Expert Thinks Trump Has A Disorder - Here's Why (VIDEO)

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Friday, July 22, 2016

DOVBEAR: Look what the Jews did now

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The Incredibly Wrong Reason Americans Waste So Much Food

"Expiration dates are not scientific calculations, they’re estimates designed more for the use of grocery store stocking decisions than determining whether your food is still good or not. The only food actually required by federal law to have a real expiration date, when it shouldn’t be consumed after, is baby formula. For all other foods, government regulators are perfectly chill with selling and eating food past its expiration date."
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Facts show South Africa has not become more violent since democracy

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Get Your First Uber Ride Free!

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Trump's Proposed First Move Eerily Like Hitler's

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Trump's bold vision: Make America Hide Under the Bed Again

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Donald Trump’s nomination is the first time American politics has left me truly afraid

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Police are safer under Obama than they have been in decades

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Fact Checker

His speech was Pablum served with Bullshit, covered with Politically Correct right dog whistles like "Law and Order" and "America First" The smell reached as far as Prague. I close with tRumps standard proof text. "Believe Me"
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

There’s Probably Nothing That Will Change Clinton Or Trump Supporters’ Minds

"When the choice is an appealing fib versus an ugly truth, it’s human nature to prefer the answer we wish were true."
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More Than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Classical Judaism

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dear Steve King: Here are some things not invented by white people in the US or Europe

A much longer list than I posted -- but still worthy of consideration.
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This is not funny!
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Why are nut jobs always tonsorially challenged? Note to self: Have haircuts more often.
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How To Instructions Tips

Seems to be worth a try. Even if it does not work, it will probably feel good. Next, I must get over the feeling that it is somehow wrong to nap in the afternoon. I may work on it.
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Where did the Orlando shooter learn his hate? Hint: It wasn’t Osama bin Laden.

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Mother Jones

We are fucked! Put our collective heads between our knees and kiss our asses goodbye.
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GoTenna off-grid communication

This could be interesting! Pity I am leaving tomorrow!
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Chat Room of RNC Live Stream Becomes a Playground for Anti-Semitism

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Armed Black Protesters Cause Cleveland Police To Call For “Temporary Suspension of Second Amendment”

Suddenly the 2nd Amendment is not sacrosanct.
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Suspension of open carry because of police safety at RNC? (VIDEO)

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RNC Speaker Trashed By Jew-Hating Trolls While Asking Jewish People To Vote For Trump (VIDEO)

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HuffPost Politics

This is what we have to deal with? If you are thinking of voting for this party, please unfriendly me now. We have nothing to discuss.
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Monday, July 18, 2016

Seeing Tennis Balls Get Made Is Way More Captivating Than I Ever Thought

The mix of automated and manual steps is interesting.
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Obama Plans to Take Nuclear Launch Codes with Him When He Leaves Office

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The Rachel Maddow Show

Basically he so ignorant that he does not always understand what he he saying which is why he contradicts himself so often.
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The Rachel Maddow Show

What a kook. He has the mind of a penny where a pound is needed.
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‘I Feel a Deep Sense of Remorse,’ Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Says

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Murdoch Brothers’ Challenge: What Happens Next at Fox News?

This could get interesting. Will Fox actually get to be a News organization?
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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Trump Oversells Pence’s Record

tRump lies. That's news?
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Aerial Views of Where America’s Grid Bends to the Curvature of the Earth

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It's the age old story. Pardon the NSFW content but it still applies. If it moves, fuck it.
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Is language "analog"?

An excellent example of what happens when philosophy meets science and philosophy looses. Philosophy is what's left over when science ends. It's very important but it necessary to recognize what has left the realm of philosophy.
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The One Project - Photography Community For Depression and Anxiety

I don’t have depression and anxiety (AFAIK) so I did not join but this is an interesting project. Maybe the fact that I have been photographing for 68 years is the reason for my sanity?
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Saturday, July 16, 2016


tRump get odder and odder.
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Friday, July 15, 2016

Join the Coffee Party Movement

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Henry Rollins: White America Couldn't Handle What Black America Deals With Every Day

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Jorge Ramos

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Right Wing Watch

OK. Now is the time for me to join the politically incorrect movement. I am tired of the bullshit from the US born that they are in some way better than "immigrants" or to use the term I prefer "Americans by choice." Native born Americans: You had no choice - you were born here and did not have the initiative to do anything about it. Unless you served your country in some way you have nothing to be proud of. You just lived here and accepted the benefits. You took no risks. So stop your blathering, Trump!
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A brief history of coups in NATO nations

If you were wondering if a coup in a NATO country has happened before, so was I.
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Samantha Bee reveals the hidden meaning behind the new Trump-Pence 2016 logo

TP? Tea Party? TeePee?
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The US is proud of its efficiency and "can do" attitude - but look how quickly other countries can change Governments :-)
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The Atlantic

Let's see if this gets any traction. "some detractors questioned whether tax money should be spent on activities that could damage the brain, and occasionally leave students dead on the field."
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Photog Crashes $400,000 Car While Setting Up a Shoot

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Square pie chart beats out the rest in perception study

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Fact Checker

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Scientific American magazine

Or it could be that the brain measure time as a percentage of age. A decade now is only about 14% of my life and goes by really fast. When I was twenty, it was 50% of my life and seemed like a long time!
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The Atlantic

How many times have you been stopped in the last year -or ten years - in in your lifetime? I have been stopped only twice in my life - and I have had the usual share of bad bulbs that took me a while to notice and fix. If you believe that policing in the USA is fair, you probably also believe in the Devil, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus.
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The New York Times

The scary thing about this kind of horrendous attack is that they are impossible to predict and prevent. They require almost no planning or preparation. If the perpetrator is quiet on social media and stays away from organized groups, they can fly completely under the radar. Given the ease with which this kind of barbarism can be carried out, it is very lucky that there are so few events like it. Barbaric minds must be few and far between.
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Sharia Does Not Mean What Newt Gingrich Thinks It Means

“ One of the Middle East countries that officially endorses sharia as a legal system is one of Gingrich’s most favored countries, Israel …Israel’s sharia courts, which are supervised by the Ministry of Justice, allow the more than 15 percent of Israel’s population that is Muslim to seek religious recourse for their personal dilemmas. “
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Thursday, July 14, 2016

5 Things To Know About Mike Pence, Donald Trump's Likely Running Mate

This is the guy that could be one apoplectic fit thrown by an overweight suptuagenarian away from the Presidency?
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Senate Approves Carla Hayden As New Librarian Of Congress

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Andy Borowitz

Well of course. He is religious himself. πŸ˜‹
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BBC News

Where politics is civilized.
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The Atlantic

Note how the commenters try to negate the data of the study with anecdotes. The overlap between the chosen subjects based on income is huge - but the comments try to deny the average tendency with anecdotes. The plural of "anecdote " is not "data"
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Definitely off the wagon again. Pity he did not start drinking while he was in office.
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My Vocabulary Size is about: 【29800】! What about you?

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Furious Liberals

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Justice Ginsburg’s inappropriate comments on Donald Trump

She was probably inappropriate - but if I was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the USA who has totally run out of fucks to give, I would likely do the same - and admit it - you too would do it!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Conversation US

"Political leadership now is fundamental to prevent a slide-back to coal, and to stand up to vested interests, while providing finance and technology to the regions that need it most." Guess who is promoting coalπŸ˜₯
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After Retiring Abroad, Seeing America With New Eyes

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The Rachel Maddow Show

Trump brings out the best in Bush. That may be Trump's only redeeming quality.
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The Rachel Maddow Show

#ChickenTrump would privatize the IRS if he could figure out how to channel all the money back to himself!
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Blue Feed, Red Feed

This is wonderful!
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Mother Jones

And who is surprised? Especially as no one actually reads the platform, much less the Trumpeter!
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When Republicans had principles and Corporations were not people.
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Monday, July 11, 2016

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

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Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress | CREW | Citizens...

I am shocked, shocked 😱
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Tell Governor Rauner to Sign SB 2332

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32 Out Of Sync Metronomes End Up Synchronizing.

Mob psychology in action…
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Naked Man Steals Truck Downtown, Causes Accident On LSD: Police

...and it's not even in Florida.
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How to raise the tone of the commentary on the InterwebπŸ€”
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5 Kitchen Gadgets You Should Toss Immediately

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Rare 1915 Films Show Rodin, Monet, Renoir, and Degas in Their Twilight Years

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Genius in colour: Why William Eggleston is the world’s greatest

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Einstein: The Negro Question (1946)

Not a lot has changed since 1946. πŸ˜₯
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Texas Open-Carry Laws Blurred Lines Between Suspects and Marchers

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Reverb Press

A far more dangerous kook than Trump. He seems to actually believe in his mission.
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The V Legion

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11 Grammar Lessons From the Leaked CIA Style Book

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Fractal Enlightenment

Hilda Moss Hyperventilate
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Dallas Mayor Calls Bullsh*t On Open Carry: It Didn't Help During Shooting, And Made Things Worse

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Animal Lovers

Karen Moss for Bernie
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Friday, July 08, 2016

ΧΧœΧ™ΧΧœ Χ”Χ™ΧœΧœ - Χ”Χ’ΧžΧ•Χ“ Χ”Χ¨Χ©ΧžΧ™

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Brain laugh

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The cello and the nightingale - BBC News

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Law professor's response to BLM shirt complaint.

A teaching moment!
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Barbara Bush: "I don’t know how women can vote" for Trump

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Its simple. If i see someone not known to me and not in a recognizable uniform carrying, I will call 911. If he/she is not doing anything wrong, he/she can explain it. Not my problem.
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Jorge Ramos

We support out vets - by deporting them?
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9 Juan Manuel Fangio Quotes Worth Living By

Alejandro Felch Was he your driving teacher?
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HuffPost Politics

He is right about this...
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Mother Jones

Should we not have the FBI investigate Congress and the weird conspirators who drive them?
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The Legend of Gnome Ann

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"Rather than point fingers outward, we should look inward — and examine how, despite best intentions, we discriminate in ways big and small."
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Certainly more competent than members of Congress!
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Reverb Press

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The Atlantic

Of course we are repeating mistakes. That is the essence of Conservative "thinking".
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HuffPost Politics

That these freaks still have a job is amazing.
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Mother Jones

The only "good guys with a gun" are members of a "well regulated militia" The fact that the NRA and its cohorts seem to be incapable of reading and understanding the Constitution in English is beyond me.
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The Dallas Shooting Was Among The Deadliest For Police In U.S. History

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Republicans doing their best to look like idiots today

It did not take a lot of effort...
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New Yorker Magazine Just Called Donald Trump the Most Corrupt Candidate Ever, Here's Why...

Because he is. Refute if you can, facts only, please.
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Hillary Clinton never came close to compromising national security

If anyone believes that a US Government operated server is secure, just Google "government hacked" or "top secret exposed". Only our self-righteous right wing and left wing pols and bloggers think (or think that they think) that emails are a real issue.
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New Mind-blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It

Well, of course. There is no reality. We are all living in a simulation. In a computer simulation there is no need to instantiate an object until it is needed. It would waste computer power to keep it going if it is not observed. "If a tree falls in a forest and nobody sees it, did it fall?" Nonsensical question. If you did not personnally see it, your simulation would not require that it be instantiated. The tree does not exist until you see it.
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Why I love my Leica

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Thursday, July 07, 2016

A Tour of Ansel Adams' Custom-Built Darkroom

But why does he keep calling the enlarger a camera?
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Hot 96.9

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No Association Between 'Bad Cholesterol' and Elderly Deaths

Hmm... False alarm, or should we all give up on our statins?
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Black, Hispanic Drivers Stopped Most Often, White Drivers Most Likely To Have Contraband

I have no objection to profiling as long as it has hard statistical evidence to back it up.
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New Tool Can Predict Individual's Risk Of Psychotic Disorders

Maybe this test should be used on all candidates for high office?
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Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Britain made major missteps in 2003 Iraq invasion, committee says

In the immortal words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "No shit, Sherlock!"
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Watch: Elie Wiesel on 'The Perils of Indifference'

You can be a victim, killer, or bystander. There are no other options.
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Quick and Dirty Miles to Kilometers Conversions with the Fibonacci Sequence - The Mac Observer

This is wonderful. Math Rules!
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Microsoft’s attempt to recruit interns is a barrel of cringe

A lesson regarding trying to speak a language you are not comfortable with.
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Newborn Photos of Ultra Rare Identical Quadruplets

These photos look more like child abuse than great photography! Am I oversensitive?
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Ouch: Canon and Nikon Film SLRs Get Crushed in a Hydraulic Press

You ma want to cover your children's eyes.
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For his next trick, Trump offers praise for Saddam Hussein

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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Hassan King Movies

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If the Bloviator would release his tax returns we could check it. Or is he just a liar on this, as on everything else.
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GOP Set To Spend 80% Of House Budget On More Stupid Abortion Hearings

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Occupy Democrats

Fiscal Conservatives - HAH! All the Conservatives want to conserve is their unearned income.
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An Open Letter to Jared Kushner, From One of Your Jewish Employees

Trump - simultaneously hypersensitive and thick-skinned. #ChickenTrump hides behind the robes of his supporters and cries foul when he is discovered. The only good thing I can say about Donald the Duck-Hearted Trump is that I can at least find a cause that unites me with my Republican friends. He won't release his tax returns because he is being audited by the IRS? I would much rather be investigated by the FBI than be audited by the IRS - the FBI goes on fishing trips - the IRS has the data and they know it is wrong.
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How To Raise Brilliant Children, According to Science

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Monday, July 04, 2016


Interesting. It would be even more interesting to see the numbers by generation - what percentage of people whose Great-etc grandparents didn't reside in the country of their descendants. The US would approach 100% going back a few generations. The US is a nations of immigrants and refugees.
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The Daily Show

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Bill Moyers Essay: July 4th and Thomas Jefferson's Betrayal

Jefferson, the hero of Libertarians, not so much a hero of honesty. His hypocrisy continues to pervade American (and many other nations') politics.
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Farmer Thought He Was Helping This Young Farm Boy - Until The Boy Said This

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Stop Telling Lies

Wonderful, sad and right on the money.
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The Atlantic

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Elisabeth Parker

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Is Donald Trump a populist?

“Trumpism looks set to earn its own dictionary entry: An unpleasant but often politically successful mix of populism, nativism and xenophobia, delivered with a dollop of cynicism.”
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Reverb Press

The bloviating bullshitter is #WhiningTrump
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Sunday, July 03, 2016

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Join the Coffee Party Movement

If only the collective could go back and understand the the phrase "well regulated" in the 2nd Amendment.
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Benghazi Report Shows the Internet Is Killing Objectivity

I don't need no stinking facts. Everybody knows that reality is Liberal. Even this last last statement is ambiguous, depending on the version of English you speak.
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Bill Maher

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Every goddamn day: 07/03/16: Trump circa 2000: "The glib assurance of the idiotic"

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Saturday, July 02, 2016

No, the Earth’s jet streams are not spinning out of control

Not so uncommon, after all. Keep calm and carry on sweating.
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South Africa’s murder hotspots

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Middle East Fine Arts

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Donald Trump Launches Blatantly Anti-Semitic Attack Against Hillary Clinton

How the Trumpeter can be considered a viable candidate escapes me. I would say it takes a lot of balls to do what he does - except #ChickenTrump has no balls. He backs down from everything - except his idiotic wall.
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Friday, July 01, 2016

Wally's Useless Nonsense

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Leopold Weiss, the Jew Who Helped Invent the Modern Islamic State

Odd. He supports the idea of Islamic States - but not a Jewish State.
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The Earth Is Not A Sphere

I was taught it was an oblate spheroid. This factoid is one of the many useless pieces of information that I can retrieve. They all interfere with current important information - like why I came down to the kitchen now.
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Palestinian Terrorism and Muslim Hypocrisy: An Open Letter from a Muslim Woman

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Nothing Prepared Us For The Moment This Crane Broke Trying To Move A Water Tower

An object lesson to the populists that ignoring science as a tool of the elite is a bad idea.
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HuffPost Politics

20% is way too high to make me happy :-{ It makes Trump happy because he does not know % means
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Documenting Interracial Dating in Post-Apartheid South Africa

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