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Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Tagine was great and other thoughts

OK, so now I can post again.

I had a call yesterday from an old college friend who now lives in Israel. He was trying out a form of Telephony over the Internet known as Voice over IP (VoIP). The sound quality was terrible!

But at least the chicken was good. The recipe I used was from Cooks's Illustrated. It is not on the net, but here is a close approximation:,1977,FOOD_9936_16461,00.html

My recipe was similar, but involved browning the chicken in the spice rub. Do not believe the 15min prep time. It took me ages to prepare and saute the chicken -- which is probably why they skipped that step!

1 comment:

Clive said...

Update on VoIP. I tried it again, and the sound is very good. Try Skype -- you will like it.