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Monday, July 07, 2008

What John McCain didn't learn in Vietnam

"In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the former POW
insists we could have won. No wonder he talks of occupying Iraq for a

See <> for more.

McCain and his supporters loudly and often proclaim that his "experience" makes him a good candidate for the presidency. His own words, however, suggest to me that he learned nothing from his "experience". He still thinks the US could have "won" the war in Vietnam, and that whatever lives would have been lost would have been worth continuing the battle - for an indefinite "victory".

His own website proclaims "This election is about making sure we have the experienced leadership to guide us to victory in this war" - but he does not tell us what "victory" means. He is all hollow words and bombast.

Bravery, moral character, and inner strength alone do not a good (or even adequate) President make. Good judgment is required and is the the most important characteristic. McCain has demonstrated that his judgment is flawed beyond redemption. Would I want him to be my comrade in a foxhole - absolutely yes - I can imagine no better comrade in arms! Would I want him to set objectives for the armed forces of my country - absolutely not. Great privates do not necessarily make great leaders!

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