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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Feds: We can read all your email, and you'll never know

"Fear of hackers reading private emails in cloud-based systems like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo has recently sent regular people and public officials scrambling to delete entire accounts full of messages dating back years. " How dumb. Every email ever sent exists at your email provider (where you can delete it but it often hangs around for 30 days ), on your provider's backup and archives (where you can't touch it), on the other parties' providers, provider's backups, local backups and archives (from which you can't delete it). To completely remove an email from the world is close to an impossible task. The only thing that preserves privacy is that nobody (quite often not even the intended recipient) actually wants to read the mail :-)
See: Cross-posted from Facebook via IFTTT

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