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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Blog and Counterblog

Lisa, Andy, Jacob, Julia and Abigail are leaving for London tonight. We expect that they will live there until the end of this year.  Lisa is an outstanding writer (she should be, after a journalism degree and a stint as a crime reporter in Rockport.) She has started a blog of her journey. This has shamed me into restarting my blog in earnest. Recently I have neglected my blog in favor of short Facebook status updates and even shorter Tweets.

Tonight we take Lisa et al to the airport.

I well remember the mix of excited anticipation and fear that we experienced when we first brought the family to the Poughkeepsie from South Africa almost forty years ago, when we moved to Chicago three years later, when we moved to Japan two years later for a year, when Hilda and I moved to Boston in 1990, and when we retired back to Chicago on 2003.

With each move, the level of excitement went down, and the level of fear went up - but the excitement always outweighed the fear.

Lisa's blog can be found at

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