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Monday, February 07, 2005

On the way to finding the lost universe

I have been a little concerned for some time now that the standard model of physics has some trouble locating 95% of the matter in the universe. It is there, they say - they just can't find it.

Now I discover that about half of the 5% that physicists have found is also missing.

This bad news was delivered to me in the guise of some good news: they have found some of the missing 2.5%. An article on physicsweb describes it.

The situation in physics now appears similar to the early 1900s. Newtonian physics described the known world, except for some minor anomalies that were ignored in polite company. Then Einstein and the quantum gang explain the anomalies and bingo -- everything you ever learned in kindergarten was just an approximation. Next we get nuclear weapons and transistors.

Only fiction writers and politicians can predict what will come next.

Actually, think most of the missing matter is in my filing cabinet.

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